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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27 

Cynthia and the girls guffawed as the alcohol splashed on my face and ruined my makeup and hair

I fought back tears as the girls began pulling at my hair and tugging at my dress again

“Just let me go!!I cried and attempted to run away, but the girls closed in on me. The music was changed to loud as a few people decided to dance, drowning my voice

Remember what you are, you breeder. That day, when I saw you in the mansion, I should have known you were eyeing Callahan. Know thishe is mine. MINE!!” 

Cynthia jabbed a finger at my dress and then wiped her hand on a nearby shrub

Ew don’t touch her” 

The girls began bullying me and I was about to yell back at them when suddenly everybody turned around

Hey, what is happening?A voice asked, and I saw Elijah coming over

The girls quickly pulled out their kerchiefs and scarves and began wiping my dress while a few threw the contents of their drinks at each other

Cynthia immediately gave me a sweet smile. Oh, I am so sorry, my foot got caught in something and I stumbled” 

I rolled my eyes at her while she reached for my hand and grabbed it, squeezing it hard

Please, I am so sorry. I did not mean to. Please don’t complain to the King about me 

She began crying, and her friends surrounded her, trying to calm her down

Elijah had already approached us after placing the drinks on a nearby table

Is everything alright?He asked as he looked at me.. 

But before I could answer, Cynthia threw him a helpless look. I was goofing around with my friends and we did not see her. Somebody started throwing water around and we joined in too. She got caught in the mayhem.” 

Elijah looked at the girls, some of whom were also wet and were wiping off the alcohol. Cynthia walked near him and batted her eyelashes. I hope you understand it was a mistake.” 

Elijah nodded, It is alright. Just go and get yourselves cleaned, girls.” 

I wanted to protest, but Cynthia and her friends dragged me to the washroom. Once we were all alone, Cynthia kicked me in the stomach and muttered, You were going to spoil my plans, right? You filthy breeder.” 

She grabbed me by the collar and gritted her teeth, You are never going to say a word of this to Callahan, or I am going to ensure that you are thrown to the rogues.” 

Amy reached for Cynthia and tried to calm her

Let us go. Cynthia. Stop wasting your time on this mutt” 

Cynthia took a deep breath to calm her nerves and replied. Yeah, you are right. I will just go upstairs and drag Callahan outside if I have to. Maybe I will have the first dance with him.” 

Her friends giggled excitedly, and they all did some touch up and adjusted their clothes and hair before walking out of the washroom

You stay within your limits,Cynthia growled as she walked out

I turned the tap off and let the tears flow freely down my eyes. This had always been the case growing up with Sid and his friends. Even they used to always bully and gang up against me and no matter how much I fought, Celeste would always portray me ás a villain

This felt like deja vu all over again

I wiped my tears off and washed my face with the cool water as I finally stopped sobbing. This whole ball was of no importance to me. Callahan was not important to meI reminded myself

Thus, I calmed down and stepped outside after cleaning my dress to the best of my ability. But when I stepped out. Elijah was already waiting for me

Hey, are you okay?He asked, and I smiled at him..or tried to 


He came forward and replied, I saw the girls walking out but you did not so want to check if you were alright.” 

My heart warmed at this affection. At least somebody cared about me

Chapter 27 

He pulled me away from the washroom and dragged me in the direction of the crowd. My eyes scanned the premises for Cynthia and her friends, but they were not around

I sighed in relief as I let Elijah guide me to one of the tables. He pulled a chair for me and sat down beside me

Not even a moment after we sat down, there was a small commotion at the entrance of the mansion

Some people were gathered around the entrance and it was hard to make out what was going on just by looking from here

Elijah sprang up on his feet and muttered, Let me see what is going on. I will be right back. Don’t go anywhere.” 

He went towards the crowd and I too, kept looking at him intently. And that is when I saw the Lycan King himself being dragged out of the mansion by Drusilla

Elijah and Matteo rushed forward and parted the crowd as Callahan stepped forward. And my heart fluttered a bit at how handsome he looked

While everybody was wearing a formal black colored business suit, Callahan was dressed in a blue three piece suit

He looked every bit of royal and rich as he stepped forward and looked around. A few girls were fanning themselves, and I even saw one or two collapsed on the ground when he looked their way

But I was not in a hurry to rush forward and grab him. I stayed where I was, glad that everybody had run towards him, leaving me to sit in a corner peacefully

I propped my chin on my elbow and watched in fascination as he climbed down the small flight of stairs and greeted a few alphas and other important men

Every single person had left whatever they were doing and went to greet him, and he was handling the crowd very 


He did not sinile, but he did not scowl either. Drusilla was standing a few feet away from him and I saw the way he threw her an angry expression, but she only chuckled at that

Even I smiled at that. He was oblivious to my presence, so I let myself gawk at him

He was wellbuilt, had broad shoulders and his charisma was enigmatic. His golden eyes were a stark contrast to his deep blue suit and brought out the color of his eyes

That man was a living, breathing example of elegance and finery. And I could only reminisce in my head about our kiss and how it had felt to be close to him

Even from afar. I could see the light stubble on his jaw and the way the corner of his eyes crinkled when he talked about something with passion

I kept admiring him and smiling wistfully before my smile crumbled as Cynthia stepped forward

None of the girls had managed to sneak in through the alphas, but Cynthia was standing beside a man, who Callahan was talking to, so she managed to get past the security guards that had come in to manage the crowd

She gave him a radiant smile and held her hand out for him


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