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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36 

Chapter 36 


I lay curled up in the bed, buried in the sheets as I let myself sleep soundly after what felt like an eternity

The room was cozy and the bed felt like it was stuffed with clouds. Despite the massive bed, I lay on it, curled like a ball except for my hair that was flying all around

My mind had woken as I was used to getting up quite carly, mostly always before the crack of dawn, and rushing to get a cold shower before running outside my dingy cabin to start working on the chores

My eyes barely opened a millimeter, and I hazily saw the soft sunlight filtering in through the windowpanes

I blinked a few times, but no matter how much I tried, it felt like sleep did not want to let go of me. A yawn left my mouth that I tried to stifle but failed miserably

Half of my mind felt sleepy, but some part of it was restlessly awake. I moved barely an inch, but my legs felt as if they were made of lead

Even the soft breeze felt like a raging tornado to my cars and I wondered why that was the case. And then I suddenly recalled I was not wolfless anymore

And with that realization, my senses went into overdrive again. I began to hear the distant voices of servants and maids happily chatting on the other side of the mansion wing, the sounds of birds chirping on faraway trees amplified as if they were just beside me

I raised my hands to my ears to drown the noise and tightly shut my eyes. I lay there, trying to fight the sensory overload, when another memory came crashing to me. When I looked down, I noticed that I was stark naked

I seldom slept naked, so I was only beginning to wonder how that happened when I recalled the night I had spent with the Lycan King himself

He had kissed me, devoured me, and made me scream his name. I felt a pleasant shudder running up my spine at the recollection of his hands on my bare body and his mouth buried in between my legs

But then I also recalled I was the one who had asked him to do that. I had begged him to fuck me, to mark me

Goodness, what a creep and a total wannabe I must have looked at him. Every little detail of how he played with my hair. pushed me to the wall, ordered me to stay still, and roam his tongue inside me kept playing over and over in my brain

Oh dear moon Goddess, what would he even think of me? I had not even completed my first transformation, and I had already asked him to claim me

Wait, had he 

My head was throbbing with pain, and I slowly pulled myself up into a sitting position. Thankfully, the doors were closed. and there was nobody in the passageway. Now, I understood why my legs, specifically my core, felt so raw

Callahan had chewed and licked me down to the last drop. A shiver ran down my spine at that thought and I felt embarrassed to see him again

Now that all these thoughts were bombarding my mind, I could not sleep. So, I grudgingly pushed myself a bit toward the edge of the bed but got tangled in the sheets and slumped on the bed again

It was as if the bed did not want me to leave. I smiled at that thought and slowly swung my legs over the edge of the bed and let my feet touch the cool wooden floor. I tentatively checked if my knees would carry my weight and, after a moment or two, slowly straightened while holding on to the bedframe for support

Every single muscle ached, so I took a moment to stretch my limbs, feeling the tightness in my muscles due to the awakening and how my body was trying to adjust to the changes 

Rubbing my eyes with the heels of my palms, I made my way toward the washroom and turned the tap on. Every muscle protested as if reminding me of the intensity of the changes in my body coupled with my first experience with sex

Ignoring the discomfort, I looked up and the first thing I noticed was how my entire body felt red and raw. Even the water droplets felt like needle pricks, and I saw a few light bite marks on my body

That reminded me of something, so I turned back to get a look at my ass, and sure enough, there it was, Callahan’s mark on my butt cheek

The others would fade and were already pale white, but this one was dark and more pronounced. A violent shudder of pleasure erupted from my core to think that he had marked me there

Iran my fingers over it and I felt a spark, so I quickly pulled away. It was like a static charge, and I knew I needed a hot bath to soothe my aching muscles

Thus, I stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water that relaxed my muscles. Grabbing one of the many scented shower gels from the shelf randomly, I lathered and began to scrub myself nicely, ensuring every last bit of dirt was 


removed from me

I turned around and took the hot water on my back, letting it flow through my hair as I felt another little spark on my skin, especially where the mark was

I looked down at it again, but it only appeared a little red. The mark seemed to be permanent, and I felt aroused thinking the way he had left a mark on my ass

I shook my head. Since when had I begun fantasizing so much about the Lycan King? The one night I had spent with him. was enough to keep my heat at bay, and after having my first glorious orgasm, I felt much more relaxed

I also felt relieved knowing that no more wolves would try to lunge at me, even if my scent wafted at them. I had no idea how scents and mate bonds worked, but Callahan had assured me his mark would not let any other man look at me lustfully, and for now, I was okay with that

After spending the night with him, I did not even believe I would want any other person to be my mate

His touch and feel on my skin were heavenly and I could not even imagine wanting another male kissing me

Smiling to myself, I rinsed off the shampoo and soap and stepped out of the shower, wrapping the towel around my body


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