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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53 

His eyes looked bloodshot, and he was staring at me with a malicious grin, his eyes overflowing with lust. 

“Why do you think I let you run away while pretending to chase you in the forest? I was going to let you hide in that cave and order others to turn around and then come to get you back alone. I was also going to transport you to other safe location until the Lycan King arrived.” 

“What are you saying?” I asked him in a flabbergasted voice. 

Sid nodded his head. “I wanted to tell you all of this and much more but you just did not give me the time. I had seen you eavesdropping on our conversation.” 

Sid added, and I only looked at him in shock. 

“How….how could you say that about me, Sid? You lied to my father…our father” 

But Sid shook his head and tried to silence me. 

“Shh, you are not listening. I had to improvise on the spot. You know Mom hated you, but you also know that I love you, right? Why else do you think I went through all this trouble to get you here?” 

The more he spoke, the more my head was spinning. I could not process all of it, given my already exhausted mind and body. 

I desperately wanted my wolf to show up and kick him away, but I did not even have the strength to call onto her. Meanwhile, when I stayed quiet, he took that as an affirmation and continued. 

“You know how much I love you and care for you, right? I was always willing to keep you with me. I always took the first step, but you kept pushing me away. But I knew one day you would realize what you were doing was wrong. And now, I know you have realized that.” 

I stared at him blankly. 

“I have realized what?” 

Sid reached for another strand of my hair and pushed it away, but I tried not to shudder at his touch. 

He smiled and tucked it behind my ear before cupping my face. 

“I figured when you would be forced to be the Lycan King’s breeder you would understand how cruel this world is. Now you know that, right? I knew you would never want that cursed monster to touch you and from the moment you were taken, I was working day in and out to save you from him.” 

His words were too much for my brain to consume and process. I had always known that Sid was a creep, but whatever he was saying was very twisted. It made my head hurt all the more and my mind go blank again. 

I could not even form a coherent sentence to the utter nonsense he was spewing. 

“I came to save you from him, baby girl. I made that stupid human work for me and instructed him to not hurt you? I knew you would never trust me. But I am telling you the truth. I want to rip your clothes so bad and fuck you, but I want you to remember how it felt to have me inside of you. I want you to moan my name. This injection will not let you remember that…it will dull your senses. So, listen to me, please. I am being nice and polite, right?” 

“No, please Sid, you can’t do that to me.” I begged, but he had a hurt look on his face. 

“I want you to want me. Why is it so hard to understand?” Sid furrowed his eyebrows and his voice grew angrier. 

“I don’t look at you like that, Sid. How many times do I have to tell you?” I tried to put sense in him, but he was in no mood 

to listen. 

“Oh, come on, sweetheart. I know you want to run away from that wretched, cursed lycan. He will die soon either way. I can help you be free of his clutches. But I have done a lot of work and you did not even kiss me yet. All you have to do is satisfy 


He inched closer and pulled my face closer to his, bringing his lips closer to mine and making me want to puke. 

But I raised my hand at that and pulled a tight slap across his face. 

“Just shut 

up and go to hell,” I cried as my hand imprinted on his cheek while I was taking ragged breaths to calm my nerves. He took a moment to process that I had just hit him instead of thanking him for his so-called act of gratitude. 

Sid looked up at me angrily, his hand resting on his cheek that I had just slapped. 

Sid coiled and uncoiled his fists and gritted his teeth. 


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