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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 


His fingers traced his mark on my skin, slowly and subtly and I felt the act to be very sensual. My ass jiggled when his fingers touched it and then without warning he lightly smacked me. 

“Ahh,” I cried as he muttered, “You ran away from the mansion without telling me.” 

Another smack reached my bum as his hand slapped me and then gently rubbed it. 

I was twitching but the sharp sting of pain along with the little massage of his hand immediately after the slap made me want more of his touch, more of this. 

Why was I looking forward to getting spanked by this man? I had no idea. 

“You made me worried about you and your safety,” Callahan said in a stern voice and his hand came down on my ass again. 

“Ahh.” A moan left my lips instead of a startled cry this time. 


Callahan noticed it too and he asked, “Do you deserve more of this?” 

Like a greedy wanton, I replied. “Y-yes” 



Another slap followed suit though he was not being too harsh on me. I could feel the way he was controlling his strength because the slaps only touched me enough to cause a sting like that of a needle. 

And then his hand would slowly rub the sore spot, taking his time while I shivered delightedly. 

I sucked in a breath as he asked, “Where are your manners?” 

My legs were shaking with want and 1 barely managed to multer. “Y-yes, your majesty. Please punish me.” 

I heard him say, “That’s a good girl” 

He positioned himself directly behind me and I felt his shaft rubbing against my skin. 

Where had he learned this? His strong but surprisingly tender hands were giving me a double dose-a dash of pain followed by a generous offering of a massage. 

With each slap. I felt my breathing grew more erratic, more deep. Callahan did not get carried away, not even once. 

He let me take deep breaths after every little swat and massaged the sore spot just enough so that when the next time the slap landed on my butt cheek, I felt another jolt of blissful pleasure wash over me. 

Was it really a punishment if I was enjoying this? I had no idea I would like something so scandalous. 

And, I swear this man had much more control than I did. His hand never strayed away even if it could. He was focused on the spanking and gentle, careful massages that made me go mad with pleasure. 

God, this was too much to bear. 

The lycan King was fully clothed while I was half naked and begging him to punish me. 

But I had no time to worry myself with embarrassment. 1 would do it tomorrow when I woke up. 

Tonight, I wanted him to do whatever he wanted with me. 

“Did I make a mistake by marking you?” He asked while eyeing the mark on my other butt cheek that he had not slapped yet. 

“N-no, your majesty” I answered. 

“Do you have any idea how worried I was about you when I found out you were not in your room?” 

He had gone to my room? When? 

He only had visited my room once and that too I had embarrassed myself with my awkward dancing. 

I was too busy thinking about it when another smack reached my ears. 





you ever try to run away again?” He asked another question and the answer was pretty obvious. 

“No, your majesty” 


The heat pooling in my core was intensifying and my body did not like the way he was being slow. 

So I simply took it upon myself to make him touch me again. I skipped the salutation purposely and was rewarded with a slap that made me cry in a mixture of pain and pleasure again. 

“Who do you belong to?” He asked and there was a tone of superiority in his voice that demanded submission. 

“Nobody” I answered just to annoy him a little. His dominant personality was showing and I suddenly wanted to test how far he would go. 

Another loud smack rang through the air. His hand slowly caressed my butt cheek as he waited for me to correct my 




“Ahhh” I let out a cry when the pain and pleasure got too much to bear. 

“LI belong to you” 


I gulped and replied hastily. 

“I am yours, King Callahan. I belong to you” I answered, adding the proper salutation and I waited for him to do something. But he did not spank me. 

I felt the slight rustle of fabric and craned my neck to see what he was doing. And I felt him go down on his knees, his face directly in front of the mark. 

He slapped me when he noticed me staring at him and I quickly looked away. And the next second, he brought his tongue our and began licking the mark. 


I let out a scream and I heard him emit a low growl in response. 

“How could you ever think that I did not want this?” He asked me as his tongue began drawing slow circles on my skin. 

Before I could answer, he softly bit down on the sore spot he had been hitting and massaging all this time, capturing it in between his teeth and I lost it. 

“Callahan!!” I screamed, my voice tearing through my lungs, the want and need for him clearly audible. 

I forgot to make use of a proper salutation and even he seemed to stop wanting to slap me for forgetting it. 

Instead of the domineering voice, I heard a raspy voice that made me tremble with need again. 

“Scream my name, Zee. Scream all you want because I am not going to stop punishing you.” 


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