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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67 


“I do?” 

I asked in confusion. 

“Yes. See here? It is already saved” He showed me the contact list in which he had added Matt, Drusilla, and a few more numbers I might need. 

I shrugged. “I never really checked the phone much. I don’t receive calls or messages, so it is more like a shiny toy to me.” 

“Well, when you awaken your wolf. You won’t need the toy either way” 

I nodded subconsciously. I was so stupid that 1 had not even realized I had Callahan’s number with me. 

“Probably when he took me to the shop to buy a mobile phone, he added his contact details” 

Elijah shrugged, “Could be. But it is strange because he warns us not to share his number with anybody. He gets a lot of unnecessary attention and spam calls as it is. Once he even had strangled some dating app’s CEO for floating his number all 

over his website.” 

Elijah chuckled as he recalled the memory as I looked at him curiously. He was too eager to share the story, so thankfully I did not have to ask him much. 

“Really?” I enquired mildly. 

“Yes, he stormed into the man’s office and held him by the throat, asking who had dropped his contact details on their app and website. Apparently, they had somehow gotten his personal number and displayed his picture with a big advertisement saying that Callahan is looking for a potential bride. They got so many girls registering on their app overnight that their site crashed.” 

“Ohh,” I replied. I had already gotten a glimpse of that at the mate ball when the girls were trying to gain his attention and the scornful gazes 1 received when I danced with him. 

I could text him or give him a call whenever I wanted. But would he reply to me? Or answer my call? 

If he had my number all this time, why had he never bothered to contact me before leaving for whatever place he had 


“Callahan changed his number after that incident, and he is very particular about who has it.” 


I nodded again. Well, I was not too special because Cynthia had his number, too. I had seen her flirting with him in texts. 

Though I did not say that out loud to Elijah. 

1 kept walking with Elijah to the gate that creaked open, and the guards let us in. Elijah avoided my questions about the anchor stuff, but kept talking about everything else. 

After a while, I just decided to let go of the topic and instead talk about something that he would not dodge. 

“So, if you are not busy, can you help me train? I never really received proper training on strength building and honing myself. I wish to be prepared for the next full moon.” 

Elijah raised an eyebrow at that, but did not argue. There was only a slight chance that I might experience something again. on the next full moon, like the last one. 

Though I hoped it would not be as embarrassing as last time. 

While we walked forward, the gates behind us opened again. I turned my head without even meaning to, thinking that Callahan was back. 

Sadly, it was just a few servants doing some chores. I mentally scolded myself for being such a lost puppy when it came to the Lycan King and focussed on my conversation with Elijah. 

“Sure, why not? Would you like to train here or with the others at the packhouse?” 

I replied instantly. “Here. Until I am confident of myself and sure that I won’t make a fool of myself in front of them all. please let us do it here.” 

Elijah chuckled. “I see that Elder Lina has scared the shit out of you.” 

I shrugged. 

“Do I need permission from Callahan to visit the pack house again?” I asked. 

We had walked a great deal since morning and now the sun was almost about to set. The day just did not want to end. 

“Not really. You are a member of the pack and I took you there so that you won’t feel lonely again.” 


However, at that, I stopped in T tracks. 

“What do you mean “again”?” 

Elijah tensed a little. “I mean. I don’t want you to feel lonely in this giant mansion” 

However, the way he looked away told me that was not the sole reason. 

“Please, tell me, what is the issue?” 

Elijah scratched the back of his head. “Uh, well, the King has given me and Matteo some additional tasks, so we might not be around so much from next week or so.” 

My face fell at that. It felt as if Callahan was avoiding me and he was also snatching everybody from me that I could talk to. 

Even Elder Lina didn’t seem to like me a lot 

“I get it. You all are busy people. Hopefully, if you teach me the basics, I will train on my own for the remaining time. I am a fast learner.” 

Elijah nodded, “I bet you are” 

For the next few hours, I kept close to him, mostly to not be reminded of the way I would feel lonely once he left. 

Together we planned a training schedule, and he also gave me a diet plan to help me become stronger faster. 

Late bloomers often neglected their training due to the shock and sadness of not awakening their wolves at the same time as, others. 

Instead of working hard on themselves, a few would go into depression and neglect their duties as well, making matters 

worse for them. 

I did not want to make that mistake. 

Elijah even asked Maria to come sit with us and explained what I was allowed to eat and what I wasn’t. 

1 grumbled a little when he said I would have to cut down on the sweet and sugar. I loved the cakes and pastries Maria made whenever she had time 

But that was a small price that I was willing to pay 

Maria served us some food, and I did not even realize how hungry I was until the smell of food reached my nostrils. 

I began gorging on it while Elijah’s phone rang. 

I saw the caller’s name. It was the Lycan King 

Elijah received the call and excused himself for a moment while I found myself craning my ears to hear what they were discussing or rather Callahan’s voice. 

I had to know if there was any news about this rogue King and what he had done to Sid. I had to be alert if this rogue King 

behind me for whatever reason. 


But I only heard Elijah replying curtly and giving one word answers ‘Yes’, ‘No’, ‘sure to him. 


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