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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 71

Chapter 71 

I turned around to see Cynthia walking towards us. She was in training gear too but unlike me who had almost every inch of her body covered, she strutted forward wearing a sports bra and tight fitted shorts that left little to the imagination. 

Her hair was tied up in a ponytail and she came walking towards us with an air of superiority. 

Elijah gave her a small smile and Cynthia came near him. She took the watch from him and looked at the timer on the stopwatch. 

“Hmm, she could certainly do better” Cynthia mumbled and I saw the way she placed a hand on Elijah’s shoulder, leaning 

on him 

Elijah replied, “Good morning. I did not know you were around.” 

Cynthia gave him a sweet smile. “I did not know I was going to be here either. But you know how the King is. He wanted to discuss a few more clauses and needed me. So here I am” 

I noticed the way she emphasized on the words ‘needed me’ and tried to ignore the dread settling in me. 

I had to focus on strengthening myself and making it easy for me to shift and meet my wolf soon. 

Thus, I only looked at Elijah and asked, “What should I do next?” 

Elijah had opened his mouth to reply but Cynthia answered, “Hey, how about this? We can train together. I could also teach you some shLIE” 

I wanted to say “No thanks” but I would look rude if she was acting nice. 

Elijah too added, “Oh that will be a great idea” 

Cynthia slapped his shoulder playfully and added, “Now that’s what I am talking about.” 

I wondered what had gotten into her to suddenly want to spend time with me. Would she not want to wag her tail in front of Callahan? 

I asked hesitantly. “That is great. I thought you said you had to work with the lycan King on something?” 

I offered her a small smile while trying to figure out what was going on in her head 

She flicked her hair, the ponytail swaying in the air as she replied, “Oh yes. But he had some other work to do first, probably visiting the pack. Then we would be having all day to discuss whatever we wanted.” 

Her eyes twinkled with excitement and I tried not to show how it affected me. Elijah clapped his hands together and replied, “So, ladies, want to race a little? Though this should be a friendly race. I will time you both.” 

Cynthia came to stand beside me and slapped my shoulder playfully. Though in my case, she was a bit too harsh in my opinion. But I did not comment on it. 

“Great, let me warm up a little” 

She said and then began twisting her body and jumping up and down while Elijah walked to the side to grab a bottle of 


“Oh lord, yesterday was such a great day” She muttered and I replied, “I guess so” 

She was doing some light jumping as she added, “Yeah, I hope Callahan will be a little slow today. I honestly can’t keep up with his pace. And, honestly, his eyes make me melt” 

She winked and I could only furrow my eyes in confusion. 

Where was she going with this and why tell me? 

I shook my head when Elijah returned and asked, “Ready?” 

We both nodded and she shot forward like a lightning bolt. She had turned into a blur and had circled back to him while I had barely crossed a few steps. 

Elijah too looked at her in confusion. “Uh, I thought we were going to jog?” 

Cynthia slapped a hand on her forehead, “Oh right. So silly of me. Let us do it again.” 

Elijah nodded and looked at me. “You might want to run from the starting point again.” 

I took a step in his direction but Cynthia stepped towards him and took his hand in her own, slapping it playfully. 

“Ola please, cut the girl some slack. Let her start from where she is. A few steps don’t make much of a difference. Right?” 

She turned to me and I smiled warily at her. 


“Fine, let’s do it” 

“Though this lap is quite short. Let us circle through the entire mansion. It will be fun.” 

I did not object and we began sprinting. Elijah gave me a thumbs up and I smiled at him before we ran towards the garden and away from him. I thought Cynthia would run forward and again finish the lap in an instant but she matched my pace instead of shooting ahead. 

“So, how are you feeling these days?” 

She asked and I answered, “Not sure what you mean.” 

“Oh, with you trying to shift. Have you gollen any better?” 

She asked and I tried not to frown. I had a long way to go 

“Not yet But I hope I will” 

Cynthia gave me a sweet smile. “Oh yes. Otherwise, it will look so bad for Callahan.” 

Now she had my attention. She sprinted forward while giving me a sympathetic look and I jogged a bit fast to keep up with 


“What do you mean?” 

She replied off-handedly as if we were discussing the weather. 

“Well Lam not sure if you know this but Callahan has a strict no outsider policy. Many females tried to weasel their way into his pack but he stubbornly denied everyone. So imagine he look just one girl and broke his rule but the girl cannot even shalt it would harm hus reputation. 

She trailed off and my face fell 

I had never thought about that. Would I be a disgrace to him and his pack if I took forever to awaken ny wolf 

Her words made more confusing thoughts pop up in my head. Is that why Elder Lina lud asked me so many questions? Was the reputation of the pack and the Lycan King at stake? And is that why he had never taken me to meet them? Because he was ashamed of me? 

I almost slowed down completely and stood stupidly by a lush green bush, wondering about all the questions. 

But Cynthia called me up from a little farther ahead, “Hey come on. What are you waiting for?” 

I looked up and replied, “Nothing” and soon joined her. 

“Don’t worry Most late bloomers get to meet their wolf. In fact, I heard of someone who awakened their wolves when they almost reached the age of 30,” 

My worries further began to gnaw at me as she came closer and patted my back reassuringly. 

“Oh don’t worry, you will be fine. Even if you awaken the wolf late, nobody is going to laugh at you.” 

Had she dismissed me as a potential threat after realizing that I had no wolf and that I had trouble shifting? She was there at the party when Callahan found me writhing on the ground and took me to my room. 

I had no doubts word would have slipped that I was a late bloomer, 

That could explain why she was suddenly being sweet to me. Though her kindness felt more like pity to me. 

I tried to keep a straight face as we completed the lap and reached Elijah a few minutes later. 


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