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Found by the Lycan King by Natalie Winter novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77 


My eyes roamed around nervously and I waited for a reply, but there was silence. 

Had I imagined all of it? Definitely not. 

So I tried again. 

“I… I just wanted to thank you for the help. Thank you for saving me,” I said and then a soft voice replied to me. 

“Do not mention me to anybody” 

It seemed to reach my ears from behind. I turned around so fast that I felt I had snapped my neck. But the direction from which the voice had come was devoid of any living being. 

All I could see were leaves and branches. Why was this person playing hide and seek with me? 

“B-but why are you hiding from me? I…I am not going to harm you,” I offered. I knew I did not look like a scary predator, but I could not understand what this person wanted from me. 

The voice let out a deep, rumbling laughter. “You cannot harm me, but the people around you can and will” 

The voice was speaking mysteriously, and I felt all the more intrigued. 

“What people around me? Who will harm you?” 

The voice seemed to be of a female, but I could not quite ascertain the age of the woman based on just the voice alone. 

When I did not receive an answer, I asked again. 

However, instead of answering me, I received a question. 

“What is your name?” The woman asked me instead, though she was still hiding from me. 

At least she was talking. Maybe she was just being cautious. But since she helped me, I decided to be honest. 

“My name is Zenovia. What is yours? And why are you here in the forest? What were those vines?” I asked, but the woman dodged my questions yet again. 

The voice seemed to echo through the forest, not letting me trace it back to the location of the speaker who was lurking in the woods. At one point it seemed to come from the right, at others from the left, as if the speaker was circling me. 

Though how she was doing, it was a mystery to me. 

And just why was she not showing me her face? 

“Zenovia. You are in grave danger. Do not trust those around 

I blinked. This mysteriousness was really confusing me. 


“Who are you talking about? Can you at least give me a name?” 

The woman took such a long pause that I feared she was never going to reply. 

“The Lycan King. Do not trust him” 

The voice said, and then all of a sudden, the brightness disappeared. The forest was black again, and I sensed that the woman was leaving… to wherever she wanted to go. 

I quickly scampered back on my feet and tried to stop her. This was a weird encounter, but I needed answers. 

“Hello? Why should I not trust him?” 

“Because he will use you and throw you away when he is done with you. You are just a sacrificial lamb.” 

Her words held a bitter tone, but the way she spoke of Callahan told me she hated him to the core. 

“W-why would you say that?” I tried again. 

Various thoughts were flashing through my mind. Was there a rogue somewhere who wanted to hurt him? Was I being used as a pawn? But if she knew I stayed with him, why did she save me from the vines? 

The rogue King had tried to get to me through Sid so that he could use me as a leverage against Callahan. And Sid was convinced Callahan was not the man I wanted to be with. And now this woman, too, was saying that Callahan was not trustworthy. 

But why did my heart say otherwise? 

This was getting very confusing. 

I was so lost in thoughts that I did not even notice that she had not answered me yet. 


“Will you answer me, please?” 

“Mark my words, and if you want to thank me for saving your life, you shall do as I say.” 

“Do what?” 

“Don’t trust him and don’t mention me to anybody.” 

“B-but I don’t even know who you are or what you want from me. You have not shown your face or told me your name. How can I trust you?” 

I countered. My question was a little stupid, but then I could not trust a stranger saying that Callahan was going to kill me. 

Granted, in the past, I had thought of him wanting to choke me to death, but he had gotten plenty of chances already to do 

Not that he was particularly nice to me or the sweetest gentleman I had ever come across. 

But he would have killed me long ago if he wanted to, right? 

“We will meet again.” 

She said, and before I could enquire further, a bright light shone on my face abruptly. It was so intense that I instantly shut my eyes. 

“Ouch” I winced as I threw my hands in front of my face to block the intense light. 

After a while, I opened my eyes, and I looked around. 

And I was confused. 

What was I doing in the forest? How did I come here? Had Callahan dumped me here in the middle of the night? 

I tried hard to remember, but my brain could not give me a single satisfactory answer to my questions. There was only a lingering feeling, a light caress on my mind as if I had learnt something important today. 

Something had told me that Callahan was not trustworthy. 

But what or who was it? I scratched the back of my head and tried to recall, but a sharp bolt of pain shot up my brain when I tried that. 

Holding my head in my hands, I stumbled back and looked around hazily. And when I stopped trying to recall, the pain disappeared too. 

Maybe my wolf was messing with my head. That was the only thing I could think of. 

When I looked up, the mansion walls were just a few feet away, so I began walking hastily towards the mansion. I did not want to be scolded again for being out of the safe walls that too late at night. 


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