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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 111

Chapter 111 

At this time, Jacob went up to check on Presley’s body

He saw that the clothes on Presley’s back were not torn up a bit, but Presley was spitting out pieces of internal organs from his mouth

Immediately, Jacob knew that this was the damage caused by the influx of energy of Strength Realm into his body, and he admired Leonard’s means even more

After talking about the business, Jacob was still a little worried

As far as I know, Presley worked for the Hanson family on the southern border. Now that Presley has died here, the Wolff family must be careful of the Hanson family’s revenge.” 

The Hanson family on the southern border?” 

The faces of Samuel and the others, who were originally smiling, turned gloomy again when they heard the name

The Wolff family was almost wiped out by Presley, not to mention the Hanson family, who was stronger than Presley

They were overjoyed just now and forgot about this

Don’t worry. I’ll finish what I started. If the Hanson family makes a move, I will help you deal with it.” 

After Leonard finished speaking, everyone in the Wolff family felt a little more at ease

In fact, Leonard was not only doing it to help the Wolff family but also for himself

The Blood Emerald Pearl that the Hanson family wanted to offer to Asura Sect was with him, and they would definitely come to make trouble for him

Then a battle with the Hanson family was inevitable

Of course, if the Hanson family didn’t cross the line much, Leonard would not do anything to the Hanson family, and he might even give them some compensation

After all, Blood Emerald Pearl originally belonged to the Hanson family

When he came to the Marriott Restaurant with the Wolff family, everyone couldn’t help but compliment and thank Leonard

Leonard actually didn’t like this kind of atmosphere. After eating, he got up and left directly

Samuel asked his daughter to walk Leonard out. When Eileen chased him out, she found that Leonard’s sports car had already sped away

She pouted, being angry by herself there

At the same time, in a club in Newden City

Madilyn was wearing a white dress, with light makeup on her face, sitting on the couch, holding a cup of coffee in her hand, gently stirring the spoon in her hand, with an elegant demeanor and calm eyes

On the opposite side of her, there was a middleaged man

The middleaged man was dressed in a suit with a square face, looking majestic

The aura inadvertently exuded from the eyes gave people the feeling of seeing a dormant tiger

More than a dozen strong men in black stood not far from the two of them, and each of them stood straight like a gun, forming a restricted area around the two of them

Mr. Morrison, would you like tea or coffee?” 

Madilyn asked softly

I don’t want to drink anything now.” 

Franklin smiled slightly and said. From the beginning to the end, his hands were on his knees, and his back was straight and meticulous, looking like a welltrained soldier

Madilyn said, I just got the news that people from the Wolff family showed up at the Marriott Restaurant. Doesn’t this mean that Presley’s revenge mission failed

There are all kinds of people in Newden City. Dylan of the Yancey family died in Newden City a few days ago, and now even Presley is dead



Chapter 111 

It seems that we have to be more careful in what we do next.” 

Hearing Madilyn’s words, Franklin’s face showed a bit of pride

Miss Hanson, don’t worry. Since I’ve come to Newden City, no matter what masters there are in Newden City, we shouldn’t be afraid

To tell the truth, Miss Hanson, just ten days ago, I had just broken through to Strength Realm, and even in the entire southern border, there are only a handful of people who can compete with me, let alone Newden City

Hearing Franklin’s words, Madilyn’s face suddenly showed joy

As the head of the Hanson family’s four top experts, Franklin was powerful and had a detached status

It would be a great joy for the entire Hanson family for him to break through Strength Realm

Mr. Morrison, you actually broke through to Strength Realm. There is indeed nothing to worry about. No one in Newden City can stop you

Next, as long as we find the whereabouts of Blood Emerald Pearl, we will be able to snatch it

As for the Wolff family, they are not in a hurry to deal with them…” 

Leonard didn’t know that a master in Strength Realm had come to the Hanson family. At this moment, he received a call from Gracia and came to the headquarters of the Santos Group

He took the elevator to the top floor

But in the huge conference room, apart from Gracia, Waylon, Parker, Ethan, and others were all there

In addition to them, there were Reg, Alan, and others. There were thirteen people in total, all of whom were important figures in Newden City

What are you guys doing?” 

Leonard looked at these people, and his mind was a little confused

Gracia, next to him, hastily explained to Leonard, These few people suddenly came to the Santos Group collectively, saying that they would cooperate with the Santos Group

I don’t know what’s going on, so I hurriedly called you and asked you to come back and make a decision.” 

Gracia wiped the sweat off her head. To be honest, she was also terrified just now

She knew Waylon and Parker, and they had a good relationship with Leonard, but even Ethan, the local giant of Newden City, was alarmed

She thought that her boss had caused some serious trouble

After listening to their explanation, she realized that they were here for investment

Investment? Invest in what?” 

Leonard looked curiously at the few people present

Ethan spoke first

Although we have a chamber of commerce in Newden City, each company still fights on its own. There has been a lack of a company that can truly represent Newden City

In the past few days, I have discussed with Mr. Evans and Mr. Lambert. We hope that Mr. Santos will take the leading role, so we decided that each of us would invest 10 billion dollars into Mr. Santos’s company so that Santos Group will become the real leading group in Newden City. What does Mr. Santos think?” 

After finishing speaking, Ethan looked at Leonard nervously

They knew that now was the best time to tie up with Leonard, who was the real big deal

Gracia, next to them, trembled when she heard this

If every one of them would invest 10 billion dollars, and there was a total of 13 people present, it would be 130 billion dollars

Leonard also did not expect that Ethan and others would make such an offer

Waylon’s total a**ets were only around 14 billion dollars, and now he directly took out 10 billion dollars, which was close to his entire net worth



Chapter 111 

He didn’t even have that much cash at his disposal, and it was very likely that it had taken him a long time to get this 


What is your request?” 

Leonard knew that it was impossible for old foxes like them to trade at a loss

Ethan said with a hearty smile, Mr. Santos has real powers and abilities, and you are destined to take off. A small place like Newden City is not where you belong

We invest in Mr. Santos at this time so that we can get greater returns in the future

We each invest 10 billion dollars, hoping to get 5% of Santos Group’s shares

And this share only has dividend rights, no decisionmaking power. I just hope that when Mr. Santos expands Santos Group in the future, you won’t forget us.” 

Gracia next to them was already stunned

As the president of the Santos Group, how could she not understand that this basically meant free money? They just wanted to have some connections with Leonard

They wanted no decisionmaking power but just dividend rights. This was something a fool would do

This showed that they took out 10 billion dollars to make friends with Leonard

Leonard also saw their purpose, but if they delivered this kind of a good deal to the door, he would be a fool not to take it Besides, there were many doubts about his heir in the Galen Group. He should also make some achievements to win a reputation for Ibrahim and prove that Ibrahim did not choose the wrong person

Okay, we’ll just do as you say.” 

Leonard said

Immediately, joyful expressions appeared on the faces of Ethan and others

For them, this was a big gamble, and of course, the chance of losing was very small, but once they won and Leonard really inherited the Gora Group, then they might have a huge opportunity. 

They would no longer be imprisoned in a small pond in Newden City but go to a bigger world

The next step was to sign the contract and a series of other things, so naturally, Gracia took care of it

And when all these things were done, an hour had pa**ed

After sending Ethan and others away, Leonard saw Gracia rubbing her neck



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