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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113 

Jason was furious with Leonard

Chapter 113 

He didn’t expect Leonard to be so stubborn, and Leonard even said that he would knock out Jason’s teeth. Jason thought Leonard was really shameless

If it wasn’t for the person from the Bureau of Police coming, Jason must teach this kid a lesson

Jason said in a cold voice, Dude, you will pay for what you said today.” 

After finishing speaking, he flicked his sleeves angrily, got into a luxury car next to him, and left directly

And after Jason left, Marianna still had a worried look on her face

Leonard, I am sorry for getting you in trouble, and my brother will take revenge

But don’t worry, I won’t let him hurt you

I will properly resolve the matter between the Rodgers family and the Olsen family,” 

Leonard looked indifferent


Marianna sighed

Although she now hated her family in her heart, she knew her brother was right

After all, Newden City was too small. Even the most powerful family in Newden City was not worth mentioning in front of the Rodgers family

Leonard didn’t know how powerful the Rodgers family was, and that was why he was so confident

Where do you live? I will send you back.” 

Leonard looked at Marianna and said

I bought an apartment nearby and stayed here temporarily. You don’t have to send me back. I can go back by myself.” 

After finishing speaking, Marianna waved to Leonard and left

Leonard drove to Shoal Manor

Not long after, he received a call from Gracia

Mr. Santos, I want to report something to you. Ethan, Waylon, and others say that they will hold a grand press conference three days later to announce their capital injection into Santos Group

At that time, everyone will know that Santos Group is the biggest enterprise in Newden City.” 

Gracia’s voice trembled slightly due to excitement

Okay, you can do this. No need to ask me.” 

Leonard said

After hanging up the phone, his expression was a little dazed. A group of 120 billion dollars was something he had never even dared to think about before

And all of this was actually thanks to Ibrahim

Why did Ibrahim still refuse to see himself

But he wouldn’t embarra** Ibrahim

This time Waylon and Ethan’s incident actually provided Leonard with a new way of thinking

If he could develop the Santos Group into the biggest enterprise in Griffinland, then who would question Ibrahim’s decision

Back at Shoal Manor, just after parking the car, Leonard frowned

Because in his induction, there was a person hiding in the gra** around 150 feet away from the villa, and that person seemed to be watching him quietly

It was Arlene

Leonard soon knew who was watching him



Chapter 113 

What was happening here

Arlene really got nothing else to do and started spying on him

Leonard was a little speechless, but he didn’t feel any malice from Arlene. He ignored her and walked into the villa directly

On the other side of the gra**, Arlene heaved a sigh of relief after seeing Leonard enter the villa

Just now, she clearly saw Leonard glance at where she was, and she thought she had been discovered

It seems that I was worrying too much. My concealment skill is even better than the scouts in the army. How can I be discovered by him

However, how did Leonard own a villa in Shoal Manor and drive a sports car? It is really strange

Before he was imprisoned, he was just a college student who had just graduated. I must figure out all this.” 

Arlene said to herself

At this moment, Arlene’s phone rang suddenly

Seeing that it was a call from her friend Gracia, Arlene quietly withdrew from the gra**

After returning to her own room, she called Gracia back

Arlene, were you busy? Why didn’t you answer my call just now? I have great news to share with you.” 

Gracia, on the other end of the phone, was very excited

What good news? You found a boyfriend?” 

Arlene joked

Yikes. The man who can handle me hasn’t appeared yet.” 

Gracia raised her chin proudly and said

It was just that when she said this, Leonard’s figure suddenly appeared in her mind

Speaking of young talents, among all the people Gracia knew, who could compare to Leonard

He was young, rich, and capable

Shaking her head, she suppressed the wild thoughts in her head

Gracia said, Arlene, your best friend is now the president of the 120 billion dollarsworth company

The Santos Group has received investment from many tycoons and will hold a press conference in three days. We will announce the news to the public at that time.” 


Arlene was also a little surprised

She knew that the Santos Group was only worth four billion dollars. How could it get 120 billion dollars in capital injections in the blink of an eye? This was really unusual

My boss is wellconnected. He can make Ethan, Waylon, and other big shots collectively invest.” 

Gracia mentioned Leonard with unabashed appreciation and praise in her tone

You don’t have a crush on your boss, do you?” 

Arlene couldn’t help but say

Nonsense! No way.” 

Gracia denied it

Her face was flushed red

By the way, what is the name of the boss of Santos Group? To be able to attract such an investment, he must have an extraordinary background.” 


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