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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 126

Chapter 126 

Outside the hall

Those wealthy and influential guests hadn’t left

Chapter 126 

They were all wondering what would happen to Leonard

Perhaps, Leonard would at least lose his legs before he was thrown out

After all, he had offended the Morris family of Imperial City

Kindness and mercy never existed in those wealthy families of Imperial City, and all of them were ruthless

At night, Newden City was brightly lit. 

Standing in front of the huge floortoceiling windows of the hotel, they could enjoy half of the beautiful scenery of the entire city

Those rich people were all sitting in the lounge, looking toward the exit of the auction from time to time

They were waiting for the outcome of this matter

Leonard was heading out of the auction, and Cherry followed him 

Mr. Santos, the son of the Morris family died wdon City. I’m 

Cherry was a bit worried

9 was still 

afraid the Morris family might not let it go.” 

Although Leonard wasn’t ordinary, the Morris family a threat to all the wealthy families in Newden City

Leonard glanced at Cherry. Didn’t you hear that before? The Morris family is not as good as the Acosta family.” 

What do you mean?” 

Cherry was stunned, not understanding why Leonard suddenly mentioned the Acosta family

Soon, the two left the auction hall

When they came to the leisure area, many people stared at them

Leonard actually came out in one piece! How is this possible?” 

The Morris family is so ruthless. How could they possibly let Leonard go? Leonard must have a background that even the Morris family is afraid of.” 

At this moment, everyone looked at Leonard in shock

Leonard dared to offend the Morris family, so he must have an impressive background. I wonder who his backer is.” 

The gazes around Leonard couldn’t slow him down, and he directly left the hotel with Cherry

Cherry drove him back to the villa



However, after Leonard left, all the guests did not leave but were still waiting to find out what had happened

But after waiting for another half an hour, no one from the Morris family showed 

  1. up

All they saw was Avery walking out with a dazed expression

Finally, someone couldn’t help but ask, “Miss Cooper, what happened inside? Why didn’t Mr. Morris and his subordinates 

come out?” 

Hearing the question, Avery raised her head as if she had just come back to her senses. Then, she smiled sadly. Brian is dead.” 


As soon as she finished speaking, everyone in the entire leisure area fell silent

Leonard actually killed Brian

The son of the Morris family died in Newden City

Everyone present could hardly believe that Leonard had the guts to offend the entire Morris family

Besides, they also couldn’t imagine how he had done it

Leonard returned to the Shoal Manor

Not long after, Natalie sent someone to bring the Miraculoberry over. Leonard also wrote a check to the visitor and asked 



Chapter 126 

him to give it to Natalie

After the visitor left, Leonard took out the Miraculoberry

Holding the crystal clear fruit, he seemed to be able to feel the pure energy 


I wonder what the difference between this berry and ordinary medicinal materials,” Leonard thought

While thinking. Leonard opened his mouth and took a bite

Immediately, he felt a hint of coolness slipped down his throat into his body

Immediately afterward, it spread to all his limbs and bones, and Leonard couldn’t help but let out a moan because he felt extremely comfortable

Moreover, his Black Dragon Skill actually started running automatically

What a treasure!” 

Leonard swallowed the remaining half of the Miraculoberry and closed his eyes to practice

At the same time, a faint ray of light also emerged from the Blood Emerald Pearl in his pocket

However, Leonard kept his eyes closed and didn’t notice the change

Leonard kept practicing all night

When he opened his eyes, it was already dawn

And Leonard was pleasantly surprised to find that his Black Dragon Skill had reached level four after practicing for a whole night

He had spent three years reaching level three, and Ibrahim had already considered him a genius

It only took me one night to reach a new level! It seems that the Miraculoberry is indeed a miracle. If I could find a few more, I would become much stronger in no time!” 

Thinking of this, Leonard couldn’t help shaking his head

He knew getting the Soul Fruit would be extremely difficult, no matter how hard he tried

Leonard stretched himself, then stood up and prepared to go running before having breakfast

Although he hadn’t slept all night, he was full of spirits

But what Leonard didn’t know was that the entire Imperial City had become chaotic overnight

In the thirteenth villa

Just as Arlene got up and stretched herself, she saw hundreds of messages in her WhatsApp group 

It was the group of her friends in Imperial City


Have you heard that? Brian, son of the Morris family, died in Newden City. The head of the Morris family was furious and even smashed three vases that were worth almost four million dollars in total!” 

How dare someone kill the son of the Morris family? That’s unbelievable! Do you know when the Morris family plans to go to Newden City for revenge?” 

No idea. The Morris family is big and powerful. Even if they want to make a move, they have to get fully prepared.” 

Anyone who dared to kill the Morris family must have an unusual status.” 

The sons of the Dewey family and the Acosta family all had accidents in Newden City. And now, Brian is dead. It seems that Newden City is the grave of the wealthy families of Imperial City.” 

Newden City is such a dangerous place. Maybe the sons of the wealthy families of Imperial City should never go to Newden City again. Just in case, you know.” 

Oh, right! I suddenly remembered that Hanson Marlow, the eldest son of the Marlow family, also went to Newden City. It seems that the eldest sons of the Wood family and the Moody family were also with him. Do you think they will also be punished?” 


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