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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 134

Chapter 134 

Gina sat on the back seat of Leonard’s bicycle

It moved quickly on the road

If it weren’t for Gina, Leonard would have wanted to drift when turning

I’m so cool, Leonard thought proudly

Unfortunately, Gina held onto the bicycle frame instead of embracing his waist, which disappointed Leonard

However, Gina’s beauty made Leonard the center of attention on the street

Under the admiring gaze of the people, Leonard lifted his head proudly

What do you think these pa**ersby are thinking?Leonard asked

Before Gina could answer, Leonard muttered, I feel like we’re on the Titanic, but these people definitely think you’re Rose and I’m a dead extra.” 

Gina burst into laughter

She realized that Leonard sensed her emotions and deliberately said that. She gave him a gentle smile

Thank you for saving me, or I would have been in big trouble today.” 

Gina suddenly said sincerely

As far as I know, there are no schools around the square. Why did you go there and end up being trapped by them?” 

Leonard asked curiously

My friend asked me out, but I didn’t see her and ended up seeing Elmore and the others.” 

It seems like your friend sold you out.” 

Leonard guessed

I know.” 

Gina sounded a bit frustrated

She was sad be betrayed by her friend

Elmore’s family is very powerful. I’m afraid they won’t let you off.” 

Gina expressed her concern

Don’t worry. They can’t compare to me, no matter what kind of background they have in Newden.” 

Leonard said confidently, patting his chest

Come on. I would believe you if you weren’t riding a bicycle. Do you think you’re the richest person in Newden?Gina clearly didn’t believe Leonard and thought he was bragging

But I saved you. Aren’t you touched? How about marrying me?” 

Leonard turned his head and gave Gina a smile

In your dreams. I’m not a seventeen or eighteenyearold girl anymore. I’m not that easily moved!” 

Then how old are you?” 

Leonard knew Gina was in a bad mood and deliberately teased her to cheer her up

I’m nineteen.” 

Gina smiled

As they chatted, they entered an old neighborhood

Gina jumped off the bike seat

This is my house. Leonard, come in with me.” 

She opened the door and entered a house

Leonard followed her

The house was only a little over 300 square feet

The facilities inside were old but neatly arranged

Chapter 134 

Some small decorations made the house feel cozy

Gina took out a small box the size of her palm from the bedside table and handed it to Leonard. You saved me. I don’t have anything else to give you. It was left by my grandpa. Now it’s yours.” 

Leonard took the box and opened it. At the sight of the black object inside, he was puzzled.. 

It’s a magical ointment.” 

Gina took out a kitchen knife and cut her fair arm under Leonard’s astonished gaze. Blood gushed out at once

Gina, you cut the wrong part. If you want to commit suicide, you should 

Gina was speechless

your wrist,” Leonard muttered

It seemed extremely painful. She took a bit of the black ointment and it

Don’t blink.” 

Gina said

her wound

After about a minute, the black ointment hardened. Gina 

it, and the 

wound had 

tender flesh and healed


Leonard’s eyes widened

It was magical

This is the power of the black ointment. It was originally the size of a palm, but my grandpa was injured while tomb raiding and used some to treat his wounds

I don’t have anything else to give you. Now it’s yours.” 

Leonard’s eyes lit up

If only this magical black ointment could be ma**produced

You know how precious this black ointment is. Are you really giving it to me?” 

Of course, I know, but there is no formula, and it can’t be ma**produced. Otherwise, my grandpa would have sold it a long time ago. Carry it with you. You can use it if you are hit by Elmore and the others.” 

Leonard was speechless

Gina was inconsiderate

I see. I’ll accept it. If I make money with it, I’ll give you thirty percent no matter how much I earn

I will also get rid of Elmore for you.” 


Leonard, I appreciate your kindness, but the background of Elmore and the others is really not simple” 


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