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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 144

Chapter 144 


As one of the top 50 universities in the country, Heweten Uswersey hot soup bem for gehat Ston However, behind the holy place of teaching and education in the eyes chinashers, a doo hat es bere ate 

At that moment, in the cla**room on the third floor, Ca, recogered as the orhood het, working one for de absentmindedly

Today was destined to be an uneasy day for her

Last Saturday, Leonard suddenly appeared and heroically saved Cina. Me beat onore and other end o hard that they fled miserably

But the real trouble had just been brewing up

Gina had heard her friends remind her more than once today that Kimore and the others would not be 

In fact, without her friends reminding, Gina had already felt the depressing amonghere in the end of school afgesaret 

As soon as the professor who was giving the lecture left, a young rich man walked up to Ganz eitha anterer hot in a ge and tapped her table with a finger 

Sit here obediently, and don’t leave. Mr. Archer will come over later

After he finished speaking, he turned away

Under Gina’s seemingly calm appearance, her hand holding the pen tightened sighrty 

She knew she couldn’t escape it after all

Gina, Elmore likes you. Be with him. I’m doing it for your com good” 

A girl sat down next to Gina and persuaded her earnestly 

Elmore is powerful. You can’t resist. Every girl in school whom Elmore in attracted to will exerally dirth ouro his hest obediently

He’s powerful, so is it the reason for betraying your friend

Gina turned around and looked at Chloe Turner, her best friend, with cold eyes

In college, Gina didn’t have many friends, and Chloe was one of them 

But her most trusted friend betrayed her

Gina’s words made Chloe’s face stiffen, and she was somentat ashamed

But it quickly faded, replaced by indifference

Gina, why are you pretending to be noble? It is your honor that Elmore likes you. Do you think you can resist 

Last Saturday, you were lucky enough to meet a stupid hothead who beat Elmore, but you also completely enraged Elmore

That guy must have dared to do this because he didn’t know Elmore’s identity. Do you will expect him to show up tordage Don’t be stupid. Wake up. He is hiding somewhere now 

Upon hearing Chloe’s words, Gina turned pale

Excuse me, is Gina inside

At that moment, a voice rang out

Gina was the school belle, and many people were paying attention to her, so Leonard easily found out which cla**room she was attending cla**es in

Seeing that there was no professor in the cla**room, he walked in 

After Gina saw Leonard, a look of joy appeared in her panicked eyes

Meanwhile, Chloe’s face darkened, and she sneered, Gina, you are so charmning. The hothead is really not afraid of deat and dares to come to school. He will meet his doom.” 

Chloe’s voice was not low

Instantly, many people’s gazes fell on Leonard

Today, Leonard, dressed in a suit, looked very handsome, but many boys were still sour

They wondered if Gina would finally be with Leonard

But, on second thought, if it were them, they wouldn’t have the guts to compete with Elmore for a girl



Chapter 144 

At that moment, Leonard had already caught sight of Gina sitting there and walked over directly

It seems I arrived at the right time.” 

With that. Leonard naturally took Gina’s hand

Let’s go.” 

Seeing this scene, many boys who had regarded Gina as their dream lover were instantly heartbroken

At that time, Chloe couldn’t help but sneer, Do you want to leave? Elmore will be here soon. Do you think you can leave?” 

Who are you?” 

Leonard frowned and looked at Chloe, feeling that she was not a good person

Gina couldn’t help but say. She is my best friend who betrayed me.” 

Leonard said with a look of disgust, It’s you. No wonder it’s said that the face reflects one’s heart. The evilness in your heart is so apparent that it almost makes me sick.” 

Hearing this, Gina couldn’t help laughing

He is so sharptongued.” 

Chloe looked annoyed, as if she had eaten something disgusting

Her hands trembling as she pointed at Leonard, she screamed, How dare 

Leonard didn’t bother to look at Chloe and pulled Gina to leave

At that moment, the front and back doors of the cla**room were blocked

Elmore, with bandages wrapped around his arm, appeared at the doorway


scold me!” 


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