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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152 

In the office, Leonard placed Gracia on the sofa

While looking at her bloodstained face, his eyes couldn’t help but reveal a hint of distress

Gracia wouldn’t have suffered like this if it weren’t for him

That filled Leonard’s heart with guilt, like a knife cutting through his heart

Gracia had been kicked in the head by Victor just moments ago, but fortunately, Leonard had infused some vital energy into her earlier. Otherwise, she would have been unconscious at this moment

But even so, her mind was now a little dazed

Leonard raised his palm and placed it on Gracia’s body, allowing his vital energy to flow into her, easing her condition

However, Gracia didn’t wake up but instead closed her eyes, falling into a deep sleep

Leonard intentionally did this because she would have to endure more pain if she woke up

After doing all these, Leonard breathed a sigh of relief

Arlene, who had been silently watching everything on the side, couldn’t help but be curious

Leonard had mentioned that he would treat Gracia’s injuries, but she couldn’t comprehend how Leonard would do that without any tools

However, to Arlene’s surprise, Leonard merely placed his hand on Gracia’s body for a moment, and Gracia’s physical condition improved dramatically

Although Gracia was still asleep, Arlene could sense that Gracia was no longer as weak as before. Instead, her breathing had become steady, and her condition had recovered significantly

This scene made her more curious about Leonard and his extraordinary abilities, which were beyond her understanding

Her internal injuries are mostly healed now, but there are still external wounds. I need to take her back to the villa for further treatment. Could you please drive?Leonard said to Arlene

Arlene nodded

At the same time, Leonard took out his mobile phone and called Natalie

Please help me prepare some herbs. Jot down everything I say…” 

Twenty minutes later, inside the Shoal Manor, while Arlene was taking care of Gracia, Leonard dialed Parker’s number

Mr. Evans, please help me find the location of Tyler.” 

Leonard knew that Tyler had also come to Newden

After what had happened to Gracia, he definitely wouldn’t let him off

Understood,” Parker replied on the other end of the phone

Although the Morris family was powerful, Parker was even more aware of Leonard’s terrifying abilities

Meanwhile, inside a hall, Tyler’s body trembled as he listened to the news his son had gathered

Victor is dead? He was a master of the Transformation Realm

How can Leonard be so terrifyingly powerful? Don’t forget that Victor defeated the various experts in Imperial City back then. Even Bill, the top expert in Imperial City, was seriously injured by him!” 

However, no matter how surprised he was, he couldn’t deny this reality

This person killed Victor, and I’m afraid his next step will be to target the Morris family. With someone like him, our family is bound to face his relentless revenge,Simon on the side said

Tyler’s face also showed signs of panic at this moment, and he said, Let’s go. We need to leave Newden immediately and return to Imperial City

Only by returning to our family’s side can we make the necessary arrangements to withstand his revenge.” 

After saying that, they hurriedly left the venue… 

Gracia slowly opened her eyes at eleven o’clock in the morning after sleeping for several hours

Arlene, who had been taking care of her, was pleasantly surprised. She asked, Gracia, you’re finally awake. How do you feel?” 

Gracia’s gaze was still a bit unfocused

She hesitated momentarily before finally responding. I’m feeling much better.” 

She smiled faintly, but the next moment, she felt the pain on her face, and tears welled up in her eyes

Is my face ruined?” 

Gracia’s heart was filled with despair

For a woman, this was even more painful than death


Arlene tried to say something to comfort her but didn’t know how to do it

Don’t worry, I’ll heal your face without leaving a single scar.” 

At this moment, a voice sounded

Leonard came over

He was holding a medicine box in his hand, which had just been delivered by the King Pharmacy. In addition to some herbs

the King Pharmacy had also thoughtfully sent a complete set of tools for decocting the medicine

The box was filled with various herbs, all of which were the ones Leonard had instructed over the phone

Moreover, each one was of extremely high quality

It was clear that it was done meticulously by Natalie

Leonard, don’t lie to me. My face has become like this. How can it possibly return to normal?Gracia said with a choked 


Although Arlene beside him didn’t speak, she clearly didn’t believe it either

However, Leonard just said softly, Trust me.” 

After saying that, he opened the medicine box and took out the required amount of herbs

Then, he used the tools the King Pharmacy had sent to prepare the medicine in the courtyard

Upon seeing Leonard’s busy figure, even Arlene couldn’t help but show some doubts

She thought, Did Leonard have a way to restore Gracia’s face to its original state?” 

Half an hour later, Leonard walked in with the prepared medicinal ointment and carefully applied it to Gracia’s face

After applying the ointment, he covered her face with gauze

Soon, Gracia’s entire head only showed her eyes and mouth, like a mummy

Gracia, you need to apply this medicine continuously for three days. After three days, I promise you’ll see a beautiful version of yourself,Leonard said


Although Gracia still didn’t quite believe it, there was a glimmer of hope in her heart

At this moment, a call from Parker came in.. 


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