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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Leonard knitted his brows at the sight of Wilder.

But Wilder stood up and greeted him.

He complained loudly, “Leonard, you’re getting better–looking in the last few days.

“Last time, you told me that Kenia didn’t like me and asked me to stay away from her. I’ve been sad for a while.

“But Kenia called me yesterday, and I learned you wanted to separate us. What have I ever done to you to deserve that?”

Leonard said evenly, “Wilder, you got a lot of nerve.”

Honestly, Leonard never thought that Wilder would dare to appear in front of Kenia again.

Besides, he was full of nonsense and framed Leonard.

Willie’s face clouded, and he snapped, “Leonard, why did you break Kenia and Wilder up?

“Now I know why Wilder didn’t answer Kenia’s call last time. It turned out that you were playing tricks.

“Do you think it’s unfair that Kenia lives a good life?”

Flora’s mouth opened but froze there several times. Finally, she couldn’t help but say, “Willie, Leonard is not that kind of person. There must be some misunderstanding.”

Wilder chimed in, “Yeah. Maybe Leonard just has a little misunderstanding of me.

“Leonard, don’t worry. I won’t let Kenia down. I will take good care of her.”

When Wilder said take care of, he deliberately broke off, which made Leonard’s eyes vaguely lit with an icy shine.

Wilder was a bit arrogant today. Leonard didn’t know where he got the confidence to talk to hinhself like that.

He stared into Wilder’s eyes and said, “Wilder, have you forgotten my warning at the Clouds Clib?

“If you appear before Kenia again, I will disable you.”

Everyone in the room was stunned upon hearing Leonard’s words.

But Wilder said with a playful smile, “Leonard, take it easy. Why are you threatening my life? Do you hate me so much?

“But I really like Kenia. Please stop messing around.”

Willie was dissatisfied with Leonard to the core.

He said, “Leonard, I hope you stay away from Kenia’s business.

“Kenia came to Wilder that day to ask him to find you a job, but I didn’t expect you to be so narrow–minded.

“I’m very disappointed in you. It doesn’t matter that you have been in prison. But if something goes wrong with your moral quality, you will be truly ruined.”

Willie accused him of having bad morality, which was very harsh.

Wilder couldn’t help but smile.

Even Kenia came over with a trace of displeasure on her face.

She took Wilder’s arm, looked at Leonard, and said, “Leonard, I’m very grateful to you for arriving in time at the Clouds Club.

“But it doesn’t mean you can make the decision for me or threaten Wilder.

“I’ll let it go this time. If it happens again, you’ll no longer be my cousin.”

“Alright. Maybe Leonard just misunderstood Wilder.” Flora tried to smooth things over.


Today was Flora’s birthday. Furthermore, as Kenia’s boyfriend, it was Wilder’s first time visiting Flora and Willie. So Flora didn’t want to make trouble.

“Wilder is bad news. He just toys with Kenia. He has a fiancée. Willie, you are a businessman and know lots of business people in Newden City. You can ask around to see if I’m right. I did this all for Kenia,” said Leonard.

Wilder hurriedly explained, “I don’t have a fiancée. Leonard, even though you don’t like me, you shouldn’t make up these things to frame me.”

Leonard threw Wilder a stern look.


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