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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 161

Chapter 161 

Chapter 161 

The hosts of the three top families all showed up

As soon as they showed up, everyone present was overwhelmed and breathless

At that moment, the heads of the Caldwell, the Lawson, and the Cook families walked up at the same time

I didn’t expect you to come.” 

Even Ralph took the initiative to greet Felix Caldwell, the head of the Caldwell family. The Caldwell family was among the three top families in Imperial City

Mr. Conway, don’t stand on ceremony. Let’s have a talk after we subdue the madman first.” 

After Felix finished his words, two men behind him rushed forward to capture Leonard

The two masters were astonished when they took action

Facing the two masters at the Transformation Realm, Leonard became murderous

The next moment, all his energy gathered together


Leonard’s fists, accompanied by violent and scorching murderous intent, overwhelmed the two masters running toward him

A domineering shadow loomed, looking down at the ants through the wild wind

The wild wind was its fury

Go to hell,Leonard said indifferently

The power of his fists enveloped the two masters

The two masters at the Transformation Realm were shocked. They tried to escape but found that their bodies were too heavy to move. A terrifying power crushed the space, imprisoning them

They couldn’t hide or escape from the power

There was fear in the eyes of the two masters at the Transformation Realm

The next moment


Leonard’s fists knocked the two away 

without any 



The two masters vomited blood at the same time, and their chests collapsed from being punched

After landing, he knelt there directly

Leonard looked down at the two kneeling men, and his cold voice sounded in everyone’s ears. They are only at the Transformation Realm. Even if a Grand Master comes, I will rip his head off.” 

In the crowd, a master at the Transformation Realm couldn’t help but snorted, How arrogant!” 

However, he took a few steps back the next moment and fell to the ground

His forehead had been penetrated by Leonard’s energy, and a bloody hole was left

Leonard scanned everyone present proudly

Everyone present gasped

Leonard killed a master at the Transformation Realm from a distance

How did he do it

Even Felix, the head of the Caldwell family, became solemn

Leonard shocked Felix

He is so young. Could he be a Grand Master? How could there be such a young Grand Master?” 

At that moment, a red dot appeared on Leonard’s temple

A sniper on the helicopter had locked Leonard

The next moment, Leonard stomped. A stone flew up instantly, and he punched it out




A scream came from the sky

The sniper held his gun and fell from the hatch. He landed heavily on the rockery in the distance

After the body landed on the ground, some flesh splashed

Seeing that, the snipers on the helicopter put away their guns in fear

The helicopter quickly rose, trying to stay away from Leonard, the dangerous man

It was not safe in the air

Felix’s heart skipped a beat

Leonard’s strength was beyond the reach of anyone, even a Grand Master

Felix wondered how capable Leonard was. Could he be at the legendary Godlike Realm

At that moment, Felix regretted getting involved in the trouble

Leonard could kill masters at the Transformation Realm casually and even shot down the sniper on the helicopter from a distance of thousands of feet. Felix thought even though all their men fought against Leonard, they could not defeat him

What happened in the Morris family startled Imperial City. Countless great families were paying attention to that

When they knew that the hosts of the Caldwell, the Lawson, and the Cook families had been there, they knew it was not something they could interfere with

Therefore, no one came rashly

Even the Bureau of Police chose to turn a blind eye

Although they hadn’t gotten close, they frowned when they saw the helicopter rising rapidly

They could imagine how fierce the battle was

They wondered whether a large weapon was used. Otherwise, how could a helicopter thousands of feet above the ground be threatened

Leonard, let’s have a talk” 

Ralph, who used to be arrogant, spoke cautiously


Before he finished his words, blood burst out from Ralph’s forehead. He took two steps back and fell to the ground

Ralph was killed

Everyone shuddered

They thought Leonard was cruel

Ralph had given in, but Leonard didn’t let him go

Leonard was murderous. After killing Ralph, he walked toward Felix

At that moment, Felix couldn’t remain calm as a host of a top family. He was so frightened that he kept retreating

Don’t hurt Mr. Caldwell.” 

A loyal martial artist at the Transformation Realm boldly attacked Leonard

Leonard raised his hand to block the attack. At the same time, he grabbed the opponent’s shoulders and tore them apart with strength


The opponent’s body was torn, and blood splattered on the ground


Everyone present gasped in fright and was overwhelmed by the fear


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