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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 174

Chapter 174 

When the bald man saw Leonard take the initiative to attack, he looked a bit shocked, and then he became angry. I don’t want to beat you to death, but since you insist” 

After he finished speaking, he raised his arms high, and the muscles in his whole body were twisted into hard lumps. His aura was terrifying

Leonard’s eyes showed a bit of surprise

Before, Leonard judged that man should be born with extraordinary power, but now it seemed that he was even more powerful than Leonard expected

With such a skeletal physique, if he practiced his martial arts to the extreme, no matter how many martial artists of Strength Realm came, they would die

Leonard actually didn’t use any strength when he attacked

But the bald man now made Leonard pay more attention to him

The bald man stepped forward and moved his body sideways as if a mountain was hitting Leonard fast and fiercely

At the same time, his arms appeared as a shadow in the air and slapped Leonard fiercely as if he had grown eight arms

Leonard thought, Arhat Eight Skills?” 

Leonard’s eyes couldn’t help but light up

Arhat Eight Skills was a fighting skill whose speed was so fast that people could only see overlapping shadows, which was one of the martial artsunique skills

It was fast and fierce, like lightning. With one punch, the threeinchthick stone slab could be smashed into a pile of debris, and it was easy to split gold or stone

That bald man was born with extraordinary power. He was also very good at martial arts and had worked hard

Of course, compared with Leonard, he was still far behind

That man swept forward with a fist, his arm like an iron rod, and his muscles bulged in his arms like giant snakes, hideous and powerful

Especially, his fist was more than three times larger than a normal person’s

He was really like an ancient warrior coming with a hammer

Leonard deliberately tested the opponent’s reaction capacity, so he did not force the attack but slipped away from the opponent’s arms

At the same time, the palm of Leonard’s hand was like a knife, piercing the opponent’s side ribs

Even if a person practiced martial arts to a high level, those fragile body parts were still fatal

When Leonard stabbed the bald man with his hand, the expression of that bald man changed

His arms made a whistling sound in the air

The bald man stepped back, turned his body, and punched Leonard’s hand from top to bottom

Good reaction capacity.” 

Leonard praised

Leonard’s hand instantly coiled up like a boa when the opponent’s fist fell and clasped it on the bald man’s wrist

There was a sneer on the face of the bald man

His arm had been trained into a piece of iron, and his muscles could break even an iron rod

Immediately, his muscles bounced up, trying to shake Leonard’s fingers away

But the next moment, he discovered that no matter how he moved the strong power that surged into his arm, the fingers on his arm were like iron pliers, making him unable to break free

At that moment, Leonard’s arm suddenly shook slightly

The bald man felt as if needles were pricking his whole arm. He took three steps back instantly and felt a numbness in his whole arm

The energy entered his arm, his blood vessels were blocked, and his arm could not be used briefly

The two responded quickly and effectively to attacks from the opposite side, but to outsiders, it was just a blink of an eye



Chapter 174 

All spectators held their breath

Unexpectedly, Leonard could be evenly matched with the bald man

Taylor stared at the scene. Her palms were covered with sweat because she was nervous

Kevin, next to her, looked incredulous

Young man, it seems I have underestimated you.” 

Although the bald man could not use one arm temporarily, his fierceness was aroused by Leonard. He roared like an enraged beast, stepped on the ground, and his fist instantly enveloped Leonard’s body. Facing Leonard’s head, his fist chopped down hard

At that moment, he seemed to have turned into an extremely powerful Arhat

Well done!” 

Leonard had no intention of evading but chose to confront him headon. He took a step forward and punched out


That punch burst out with terrifying energy, and violent sounds were heard

The bald man felt a strong wind blowing against his face

The next moment, it was as if he was hit by a highspeed train, and Leonard instantly threw his body over

His huge body directly flew 22 or 26 feet away and hit the ground hard


The whole ground shook

Everyone in the field was dizzy by the loud noise

After they came to their senses, they saw Leonard standing proudly in the center of the hall like a legendary warrior. Everyone felt shocked

They thought, With such a thin body, Leonard could throw the bald man 22 or 26 feet away

How much explosive power does his thin body contain?‘ 

How is it? Do you still want to fight?” 

Leonard asked as he looked at the bald man struggling to get up

You are very powerful. Are you Michael?” 

The bald man mistook Leonard for Michael

Leonard shook his head

My name is Leonard Santos, and Michael should also call me Mr. Santos.” 

I’m convinced.” 

The bald man covered his numb arms and limped away

Wait a moment.” 

Leonard stopped him

Anything else?” 

The bald man looked at Leonard warily. Do you want to kill me?” 

He was afraid that Leonard would kill him

If I want to kill you, can you stop me?” 

Leonard asked with a smile

The bald man shook his head. I can’t stop it, but my grandpa said a man must stand until he dies.Your grandpa is quite an honorable man.” 

Leonard said sincerely

From the bald man’s words, Leonard could see how the bald man’s grandfather educated him

That’s right. My grandpa is very powerful. He taught me all my martial arts.” 

Baldhead couldn’t help but feel happy when he heard Leonard praise his grandfather



Chapter 174 

I have injected energy into your arm. It needs to be removed in time. Otherwise, your arm may be crippled. Come with me, and I will help you resolve the energy.” 


Baldhead didn’t believe that Leonard would be so kind

Leonard smiled and said, Of course.” 

Leonard went straight to the elevator with the bald man

It wasn’t until the elevator door closed and started to rise that there was a burst of noise in the hall


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