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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

“He is so powerful!”

Egbert knelt on one knee, his eyes filled with horror.

He recalled the moment when his fist. collided with Leonard’s, and it was like hitting an iron hammer.

The force of the collision was so powerful that it cracked his bones.

Leonard had crushed him completely in terms of raw strength.

“Why is he so strong at such a young age? How did he do it?”

Egbert was so defeated he started to doubt life at this moment.

He had been cultivating for decades, yet a young man in his twenties defeated him. This difference was too massive.

Leonard looked at Egbert indifferently, who was kneeling there, and said, “My teacher founded the Galen Group. You, the Elders, have no right to be in charge.”

Egbert lowered his head, looking depressed and afraid to speak.

Benjamin, who was on the side, let out a

long sigh.

“No wonder Lord Clarkson chose him as his successor. Compared with him, Max and the likes are nothing.”

The other regional leader and hall leader were also appalled.

“Is this young man who looks to be only in his twenties a Later Level Grand Master?” They wondered.

Rex, who was standing behind Leonard, had a look of pride on his face.

Looking at Benjamin and everyone present, he said, “Mr. Clarkson has hardly cared about things in the Galen Group these years, but that doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want.

“Now that Mr. Santos has been chosen as the heir by Mr. Clarkson, he will soon inherit the position of the Lord. I advise you to think carefully about which side you want to be on.

“Although Elder Perez and others have rapidly improved in strength over the years and have gained great power, the Galen Group belongs to Mr. Clarkson after all. No matter how strong a fish is among its species, do you think it can defeat the fisherman?”

Rex’s status in the Galen Group was not very high, but he was Ibrahim’s confidant.

At this moment, he said these words. righteously because he felt very sad for these people. To him, they were acting foolishly.

The Galen Group was just one of Ibrahim’s countless forces. Yet, these people thought they could turn Ibrahim into a mere figurehead just because Ibrahim did not care about the affairs in the Galen Group. This was nothing but an idiotic idea.

Hearing Rex’s words, everyone present had complicated expressions.

Some people were deeply affected by it. After all, it was Ibrahim who led many Elders to found the Galen Group.

However, there were also people who did not take it seriously at all. They felt that Ibrahim was old now and that he only did not get involved in the Galen Group’s affairs because he was no longer capable of

doing so. On the other hand, Brandon, Keith, Cedric, and the other Elders had become drastically stronger over the years. Thus, they felt the Elders might already be much stronger than Ibrahim.

And the expressions of these people were all caught in Leonard clearly caught the

expression of these people, and he could

not help but slightly shake his head. “These stubborn people really deserve to die!” He thought.

“Where’s my yard? I’m going to rest,” Leonard said.

As the young Lord of the Galen Group, he naturally had his own courtyard.

As for the other two elders who did not come, Leonard did not intend to continue to hold them accountable.

He was about to inherit the position of the Lord of the Galen Group soon. Since he had no idea how many people opposed that, he planned to deal with them all at once by then.

“Mr. Santos, please follow me.”


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