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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29

That day at the Cloud Club, did not enter the bos but stood guard outude.

But then, a group of men in black rushed in. With guns on his head, Stitch Face obediently squatted in the corridor with his bend in his arms

So he failed to recognize Leonard at a glance

Because that day when Leonard left. Stitch–Face only quietly raised his head and took a look.

He didn’t remember who Leonard was just now, but now the more he looked at Leonard, the more familiar be felt

Especially the scar on the corner of Leonard’s eye, Stitch–Face remembered it very clearly

And today he didn’t expect to face this dangerous man though he was here to help Hill

Now Jeff was still lying in the hospital.

And the person who was killed at that time was carried out under Stitch–Face’s command

It had only been a few days, and the scene at that time was vivid in his mind.

In an instant, his sweat fell, and his back was drenched in cold sweat

“Stitch–Face, do you remember who I am now?”

Leonard said with a half–smile.

“Who the hell are you? How can Stitch–Face know you?”

Hill, next to Stitch–Face, cursed Leonard directly.

Did this ba stard want to make friends with Stitch–Face? Then that was a waste of time

Hill gave Stitch–Face so much money a year, and he was sure Stitch–Face would definitely help him.

And he would kick this ba stard’s a ss anyway.

As for that beauty, the more he looked at her, the more he wanted her.

But a slap was mercilessly thrown on Hill’s face the next moment..

And it was from Stitch–Face.

“Shut up, and apologize to Mr. Santos quickly.”

“Mr. Santos?”

Hill was stunned for a moment.

“Stitch–Face, who am I to apologize to this ba stard?”


Stitch–Face slapped Hill again and knocked him out of his wits.

“Da mn it! Just apologize to him as I ask. Can’t you understand my words? Are you trying to get me killed?”

As Stitch–Face said, he punched and kicked Hill frantically.

Hill was utterly stained.

Not only Hill but other people around were also dumbfounded.

What was going on?

Albert, who

was trying to save Leonard, was even more dumbfounded.

He knew Stitch–Face well, and it was absolutely impossible for Stitch–Face to show mercy and realize his mistakes.

Then there must be something about Leonard that scared Stitch–Face.

Hill received several slaps, his mouth was bleeding, and he shouted, “Stitch–Face, are you crazy? We are on the same side. Jeff is my cousin!”

“F uck off.”

Stitch–Face kicked Hill hard in the stomach.

“Jeff is still lying in the hospital. Don’t you know how he got into the hospital?”



My brother is in the hospital, but what does that have to do with this ba stard”

Hill yelled

“Scr ew you

Stitch–Face grabbed Hill by the collar and punched him hard on the cheek.

Hill was indeed an shot Stitch–Face had made it so obvious, but he still didn’t understand.

WHill did get has head down and apologize, he was going to pi ss off Leonard, and all of them might die here.

Sering Sinch–Face was about to hit him again, Hill was frightened and hurriedly said with a bitter face, “Wait, Stitch–Face! What is going on? Could you please explain to me?”

“This is the one that put Jeff in the hospital.”


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