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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31

The atmosphere in the room immediately became heavy as Leonard walked in.

Larson narrowed his eyes with a cold smile.

Larson had intended to pick a fight with Leonard, but he didn’t expect Leonard to come to him.

“Leonard, your boldness surprises me. How dare you create trouble at the Cruz family banquet? Are you seeking death?”

With the backing of Larson, Wilder brimmed with self–a**urance as he aggressively threatened Leonard.

Despite Wilder’s threats, Leonard simply smiled and scanned the crowd of the Cruz family, calmly stating, “Wilder, you’ve got guts. I warned you last time that if you ever showed up in front of my sister again, I’d break your legs. It seems you didn’t take me seriously.”

When Leonard mentioned the past event, Wilder immediately remembered the inhumane actions that Leonard had taken at that time. A look of terror flickered across Wilder’s eyes.

However, Wilder quickly regained his poise and shouted, “Leonard, don’t try to act tough. Do you really think I’m the same person from a few days ago? My uncle is here with me.”

Wilder proudly continued, “Leonard, do you know who my uncle is? He comes from the Acosta family in Imperial City and is in charge of the family business.

“I’m sure you’ve heard of the Acosta family, haven’t you? Among the many powerful families in Imperial City, they are widely regarded as one of the most influential.

“With the power of the Acosta family, killing you is as easy as killing an ant.

“Even the president of Newden Chamber of Commerce, Waylon Lambert, has a great deal of respect. for my uncle.”

Hearing his nephew brag about him like that, Larson couldn’t help but show some arrogance.

“You are Leonard, right? My nephew mentioned you’re quite tough, daring to use guns to take lives. However, your so–called skills are nothing but child’s play to me, and you are just someone that sees the world through a narrow lens. Frankly, it’s rather absurd.”

Leonard replied calmly. “Thinking that you completely understand the world simply because you view it through a bigger lens, isn’t that even more absurd?

“Your status as a lackey for the Acosta family means nothing. Even if the head of the Acosta family were here, they would just be a small fry in my eyes.”

“What the hell did you say? How dare you insult my uncle and call him a lackey! I’ll make you pay for your disrespect!” Wilder cursed angrily.

Leonard ignored him completely and stared at Larson with a steely gaze. “You had the opportunity to live any disturbance from us. But instead, you chose to misuse your power to defend your nephew.


life without

“After all these years of hard work at the Acosta family, you have finally inade a name for yourself. Why do you have to throw it all away?”

Leonard lowered his eyes, sighing softly.

“Leonard, are you f ucking listening to me?” Wilder bellowed furiously.

Clutching a wine bottle, Wilder advanced towards Leonard with rage in his eyes. “Who do you think you are, showing such arrogance in front of my uncle? I’ll smash your head open!” he hurled.

But before the boule could come down, Leonard grabbed Wilder’s wrist.

With a snap. Wilder’s wrist was broken.

Wilder screamed in pain.


“How dare you lay a hand on my son?”

Rowell scolded loudly upon seeing his son injured.

Larson also stood up, staring at Leonard with murderous intent. “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into.” Leonard sna tched the bottle and broke it over Wilder’s head. Blood flowed down Wilder’s face, and he stumbled backward, falling to the ground.

“What am I getting myself into? Would you like to discuss it further?”


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