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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Jarod was in his formes Waring a pair of gla**es he looked refined

He put his hands in his pec kers and looked at Jacob quietly.

Are you Delarey?

Jacob was abrendy vigilant at that moment

Jarod had an inforntial reputation. He was famous for his skills in jewelry appraisal and even his martial arts

♬ was sand that Jared was night by an elder of Castle Dawn On his way rising to a higher position, he had a bl oody purney.

how many people were killed by hum He walked forward on the countless bones to where he was today

“Mr. Carless, Thave heard your name for a long time, but I didn’t expect that during this trip to the southern border, I would be locky enough to fight agam you. This trip is worth it”

A bit of fighting spirit rose in Jacob’s eyes

“Come on. I don’t like long–winded words. Anyway, you are all going to die today.

barod and lightly

He was so arrogant

Jacob took a deep breath and made a defensive posture.

Facing Jarod he didn’t dare to attack first

If he took the initiative to attack, he would probably reveal a flaw first

Waylon Arlie, and others all had their hearts in their mouths

They knew that this battle determined the fate of everyone present

Jarod didn’t have so many worries

Seeing that Jacob didn’t take the initiative to attack, he flicked his sleeves, stepped on the ground, and moved toward to attack Jacob in an instant

He was as fast as a snake moving in the gra**. His feet sticking to the ground slid directly over.

Seeing Jarod make a move. Leonard couldn’t help but sigh.

Jarod and Jacob were not at the same level at all.

Jacob may lose before holding on to live moves.”

Leonard said.

Hearing this. Arlie. Waylon, and others all looked at Leonard.

At that moment, everyone hoped that Jacob would win.

After all. Jacob shouldered the lives of more than 20 people present. However, Leonard’s words made them uncomfortable.

The a**istant who came along with Leonard and the others couldn’t help but say, “Mr. Santos, although you are good at jewelry appraisal, you don’t know martial arts. Jacob is so powerful that he can definitely defeat Jarod

On the other side. Lindy smiled and said, “Kiddo, you can not only judge the jewelry well but also the martial arts.

“That Jacob’s strength is far from Jarod’s. Jarod can kill him with one hand.

“Well, if you promise not to tell anything about today’s matter and will be loyal to me in the future, I can ask Mr. Curless for mercy and save your life. What do you think?”

“You are not worthy of it. Leonard said lightly.

“What did you say?”

Lindsy almost flew into a rage on the spot.

She felt that at this moment that Leonard should be grateful to her since she was willing to save his life.

Like a dog about to starve, would it not wag its tail at her when she threw it a bone?

But Leonard said that she was not worthy!

“Hey, you have given up a chance to survive. Even if you kneel and beg me later, I won’t save you.”

However, at this moment, Jacob was already fighting against Jarod.


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