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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 95

Chapter 95 

Leonard turned his head as he heard someone call his name. After he saw the balding teacher, his face froze for a moment. Then he exclaimed in delight, Mr. Yerburge, are you still teaching at this university?” 

Kendrick had been Leonard’s academic advisor during his university years. He had just started teaching then, and he was not much older. His relationship with Leonard and the other students was very friendly, almost like friends

Even then, Kendrick had been slightly balding. Little did Leonard expect that, after three years apart, Kendrick had become completely bald

Kendrick also looked pleasantly surprised

Yes, I’ve always stayed at the university. I heard you got into some trouble.” 

Kendrick did not dare to mention Leonard’s time in prison directly

By this time, Dennis had gotten up from the ground. He pointed at Leonard and yelled, Kiddo, you’re courting death. How dare you push me!” 

Who pushed you? You’re as clumsy as a pig and fell on your own.” 

Leonard smirked, hands in his pockets

Kendrick’s expression changed, and he hurriedly grabbed Leonard’s hand. He said in a low voice, Leonard, what did you do to upset him? He’s the boss of Fanco Group, and he’s got many people under him. Let’s get out of here before it’s too late.” 

Kendrick was worried about Leonard

Kendrick had always been easygoing, which was why he was able to get along with Leonard and his cla**mates. But he also had a downside. He was rather timid

Leonard just laughed. Don’t worry. I’m not scared of this fat slob.” 

Kendrick grew even more anxious at Leonard’s words

Leonard, don’t be foolish. You just got out of prison. Do you want to go back in

And these people are really vicious. If you provoke him, he could really kill you.” 

Kendrick’s voice trembled

The onlookers were whispering among themselves

That seems to be one of our teachers. From what he’s saying, this guy must be our senior.” 

He’s in trouble now because he has provoked Dennis.” 

Dennis looked very fierce, and the fact that Leonard was their senior made the students worry for him

Kiddo, I’m going to kill you.” 

Dennis raised his fist again to hit Leonard

But this time, Leonard did not dodge. Instead, he lifted his leg and kicked Dennis in his belly

Immediately, Dennis lost his balance and stumbled backward

He fell flat on his backside

Hey, fat pig, you’re so clumsy and still want to hit me, huh! Look at yourself.” 

With that, Leonard stepped forward and stomped on Dennis’s face. He even spat on him

At that moment, many of the onlookers felt a shiver down their spines

Nobody expected Leonard to dare step on Dennis’s face and spit at him

Kendrick’s heart skipped a beat

He knew Leonard was in for trouble

Back in their school days, Leonard was always impulsive. To Kendrick’s surprise, three years in jail didn’t change him

Dennis was the boss of the Fanco Group, not someone to be trifled with

Emily came over to help Dennis up, hoping to take him away



Chapter 95 

But Dennis had been deeply insulted. He wouldn’t let it go easily

Having been humiliated in front of so many people, he was sure to retaliate

Pushing away Emily, who was trying to help him, he pointed at Leonard and cursed, No one in Newden City has ever dared to hit me. I must make you pay today.” 

He reached into his bag, pulled out his phone, and started making calls

As he dialed, he threatened, You’re about to find out what happens when you mess with me.” 

In a moment, even if you beg, I won’t let you off.” 

Is that so?” 

Leonard retorted, walking over and kicking Dennis in the stomach


Dennis fell to the ground again, his phone flying out of his hand

This scene sent chills through the many onlookers


Dennis picked up his phone from the ground and sneered, The more arrogant you are now, the more miserable you’ll be later.” 

Kendrick was terrified. He quickly said, Leonard, let’s go. Once Dennis’s men show up, we won’t be able to escape.” 

Leonard, however, casually put his hands in his pockets and laughed. Let him call whoever he wants.” 

Sweat dripped down Kendrick’s face as he cried out, Leonard, we’re just ordinary people. We can’t afford to mess with a bully like him.” 

The surrounding students nodded in agreement

They looked at Leonard with pity, thinking he was being reckless

If Dennis was already calling for backup, why wasn’t Leonard running? Was he crazy

Dennis is crazy. Once Dennismen arrive, they’ll likely kill Leonard.” 

We should get out of here. Later, we might not be able to leave.” 

I heard Dennis’s company is nearby.” 

Everyone was anxious for Leonard

However, Leonard himself seemed unbothered

Emily ran over and said, Dennis, forget it. Leonard isn’t easy to deal with.” 

But Dennis shoved her aside

Get lost.He snapped. You’re afraid I’ll kill your exboyfriend, right?” 

When you’re with me, you should be focused on me alone. Don’t ever think about other men!” 

At that moment, the phone call went through

Dennis yelled into the phone, Get the men together now. Bring your tools, and we’re seeing blood today.” 

He hung up the phone straight after speaking. Smirking, he moved toward Leonard

Kiddo, my men are on their way. You better start shopping for your coffin.” 


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