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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor ( Yves Jimmy) novel Chapter 99

Chapter 99 

Leonard sat down opposite the man and lit a cigarette

He signaled Rex to loosen the traitor’s ropes

The man moved his numb legs and feet, then just glanced at Leonard with the side of his eyes, looking like nothing could make him talk

This man was clearly a cutthroat. Otherwise, Jaguar would have made him talk long ago

Do you 


Leonard took a puff of the cigarette and looked at the man

Then, he threw the cigarettes and lighters on the square table in the middle

The man sneered, A different strategy, huh? The hard way didn’t work, and now you guys start playing nice? But it’s useless. Even if you fall to your knees and beg me, I won’t tell you where the things are hidden. I know that deep down, who Ibrahim and his men really are. If I talk, what waits for me will only be death.” 

Leonard shook his head and said, Then do you think that if you don’t talk, you won’t have to die?” 

If my men don’t see me alive within one month, the information will be sent to Ibrahim’s enemies. If you let me go and give me 200 million dollars, however, I promise nobody can find both the information, and I will disappear completely.” So you’re certain I’ll give in, right?Leonard smiled and said

This man was clearly very aware of how important that information was and even planned on what to do once he was caught. He stole it just for 200 million dollars

Honestly, buying topsecret information for 200 million dollars is not expensive. Unfortunately, I don’t like to be threatened.Leonard sighed

Really? Then what are you going to do? Beat me till I submit, or kill me?” 

The man looked disdainful

To tell you the truth, the information I stole this time is very important to Ibrahim

If I die and Ibrahim’s enemies get the information, you guys will then pay over a hundred times what I’m asking for now.” 

Agree to my terms and let me go, and you will only lose merely 200 million dollars. It’s the best for everyone.” 

Leonard looked up and down at the refined and wise man in front of him. It seemed he had everything under control, radiating much confidence that was never unfounded

Leonard could not help but shake his head slightly. So, this is your trump card? Do you really think I won’t dare to do anything to you just because you have the information? Aren’t you too naive?” 

Well, do you?” 

The man picked up a cigarette from the table and lit one

Then, he breathed out a puff of smoke onto Leonard’s face

Are you having trouble? If you can’t make the decision, bring someone who can. To be frank, a pawn like you is not worthy for me to talk to

When I was working for Ibrahim, my level was much higher than yours.” 

The man said this with a bit of complacency on his face

In the past, Ibrahim trusted him very much. Otherwise, he would not have been allowed to access the core information

If it was not for a big gamble he took in which he lost everything he had, he would not have ended up in this situation

Whether I am worthy or not, you will soon find out.” 

Leonard waved to disperse the smoke rushing toward him

Then, he picked up a less than onefootlong iron rod from the ground, took two steps forward, and slammed it down on the man’s head

Bang, bang, bang… 

After only three hits, the man fell into a pool of blood

Perhaps that idiot Jaguar really believed what you said before and didn’t dare to hit you too hard for fear of killing you. But 



Chapter 99 

that doesn’t work for me

Since Ibrahim knows my temper and still asked me to interrogate you, do you really think that topsecret information is a guarantee of your life?” 

Leonard looked down at the man lying in a pool of blood, went over and grabbed his hair, and said coldly, You can continue to keep your secret, but I can also tell you clearly that if you don’t tell it today, You’ll never have the chance to speak again.” 

After saying that, Leonard pulled the man’s head, pressed him on the chair, and then ordered Rex behind him, Take off his clothes.” 

Hearing Leonard’s words, Rex showed doubts on his face, not knowing what Leonard was going to do

Leonard said lightly, After stripping off his clothes, write the numbers from 1 to 300 on his body

Then shoot him starting from 1, until he is completely dead. Let’s see how many shots he can survive.” 

Hearing Leonard’s words, the man, whose mind was a little blurred, could not help but shiver

This was no different from those cruel ancient torture methods

Plus, once he was shot dozens of times, even if he wanted to talk by then, it might be too late for him

Obviously, Leonard really did not care about his secrets at all

This made him feel a little desperate

He raised his head, looked at Leonard, and said with difficulty, Who are you? Why can you ignore the company’s risk of losing hundreds of billions of dollars?” 

Then remember it well, my name is Leonard Santos, Ibrahim’s apprentice. They call me Mr. Santos,Leonard said coldly


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