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Genius Son Sells his Mom to Dad novel Chapter 329

While Claire and Luke are on the phone, Conan is not idle. When he came out from home, he didn’t forget to bring his own equipment. In fact, it is a small mobile phone, but he can make any electronic product omnipotent.

Conan finally succeeds in finding Tracy’s information from Howard Group after a lot of efforts, and then he uses hacker technology to access Tracy’s mobile phone, so it is easy to get her information.

But Conan finds that when he is about to do this, he suddenly hears another engine sound. He feels a little uneasy. When he looks back at the license plate, he finds that they are Juan’s people.

“Run, Mommy. They’re here again.” Conan yells and pulls Claire and runs to the place where the car can’t pass. Then they enter the busy shopping mall.

But careful Conan still finds that Juan’s people have followed. They dare not move and have to hide in the mall.

At first Conan is scared, but later he finds that the people who come after them are all idiots. The hackers who can locate his position are the real masters.

In the end, Conan and Claire shop together in the mall. By the way, he helps Claire and himself choose some clean clothes.

They’ve been running since they escaped from Juan’s house. When they put on their new clothes, they disguise themselves.

Conan is wearing a suit and a bow on his chest. If he puts on his glasses, he will look like Conan. As for Claire, according to Conan’s idea, she puts on a light blue hat and a plain long skirt. Her pink face makes her more energetic.

After a while they leave the mall and avoid the people and reach Luke’s house safely.

When Luke sees their costumes, he is surprised. He thinks for a long time and says to them, “I think you’re like some people. One is like little Conan and one is like Mouri.”

Claire explains awkwardly, “we want to avoid others. Conan asked me to wear like this. I’m an adult. I still feel a bit awkward.”

“Conan has a good taste. Why do you want to avoid others? Does Tracy want to give you any trouble?” Luke starts to get a little angry.

Claire explains, “no, it’s not good for her to see us meet. Then we will be more passive to find her.”

Luke hesitates and says, “well, come on in and have a rest.” With that, he picks Conan up and sits him on his shoulder.

Conan laughs and says, “Uncle Luke, you must help me find Daddy.”

“Of course. Your father and I are close friends. You don’t need to ask me.”

Conan suddenly pretends to say casually, “why doesn’t Uncle Luke even know that Daddy has been transferred? You are too irresponsible.”

Claire frowns and shouts, “Conan, you’re so rude!”

Luke smiles and doesn’t care. He says thoughtfully, “Howard Group has had some trouble recently. Someone tries to frame it, but another expert is helping Howard Group. I’m investigating it, so...”

Conan squints and smiles. There is light in his eyes. He tilts his head and asks seriously, “Oh? Uncle Luke, are you investigating the master or the villain?”


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