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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 111

Chapter 111

Olivia felt like she was in a long dream.

In the dream, Dad, Mom, and Uncle Wallace were still alive, and lan was a cheerful boy that loved being by her side. Johnny, on the other hand, was wiping the chocolate off the corner of her mouth as he lovingly said, “My hungry kitten.”

She was smiling. She could not stop smiling.

However, she suddenly tasted a hint of bitterness from the corner of her lips. Then, she realized her cheeks were wet.

Why was she crying?

She was having a wonderful, happy time, so what was there to cry about?

At that moment, Dorothy came walking towards them, dressed in a white dress, and everyone moved to greet her with a smiling face, except Olivia herself. She was frozen to the spot.

Before she realized it, everyone else was standing opposite her. John was looking lovingly at Dorothy, and it was almost like she was just an extra in a play.

Olivia was terrified. Her tears would not stop flowing. She struggled to pull Dorothy and John apart but could not grab onto anything even as she reached out to them.

Suddenly, she sat up with a jolt on her bed, her eyes open wide and staring straight ahead.

“Dad, Mom, lan…”

At the same time, Zyla walked into the room with chicken soup in her hands. When she saw that Olivia was awake, she rushed over to help her up.

“Lie down for now, Sis Liv. Your head…”

Before Zyla could finish, she panicked. “I’ll get the doctor! Your head is bleeding!”

Olivia grabbed her hands and said, “No need. I’m fine. We’ll see later if I need any medical intervention.”

Zyla saw how pale Olivia was, how her forehead was covered with cold sweat, and how her eyes were swollen from crying. Thus, she did not force Olivia to tell her the truth. Zyla just sat by her bed, pulled Olivia into her arms, and comforted her. “Sis Liv, if anything’s making you feel uncomfortable, just tell me. I’ll listen to you.”

Olivia heard what Zyla said and bit her lips. She turned around to hug her and rested

her head on Zyla’s shoulders, but she did not say a word.

After a few minutes, she lifted up her head and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hands roughly.


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