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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113

John was sitting in the backseat of the Maybach. He saw lightning flash across the skies, and his heart trembled a little.

“Wes, what happened 17 years ago?”

Wes paused and looked at John from his rearview mirror. “Sir, don’t you remember?”

“Was it something important?”

“Yes. I heard that 17 years ago, Madam was abducted during a stormy night and thrown into an enclosed hut.”

John felt a pang in his heart. He always told himself that Olivia had brought it all upon herself, but he could not stop himself from worrying.

At that moment, it started pouring rain outside the car, and the raindrops were hitting the car like pellets.

John frowned, looked outside once more, and said, “Turn around.”

Wes’ heart jumped for joy. It looked like Sir still cared about Madam.

He quickly turned the car around and sped towards the little hut.

However, before he could reach the hut, John got a phone call from Dorothy.

“Johnny, where did you and Liv go? It’s raining and thundering out there. I’m really afraid.”

“I’m in the office. You stay at home, okay?”


Suddenly, a huge bang, like the sound of something toppling over, was heard, and Dorothy screamed. Then, the phone call ended.

John frowned. He called back frantically, but no one picked up the phone.

“Turn around!”

“Sir, but you haven’t gotten Madam yet…”

“I said turn around. Don’t you understand?”

Wes was frightened by the look in John’s eyes and quickly turned around. “Where are we going?”

“To the Cliffside Villa.”

Once Wes heard their destination, he knew that it was Dorothy b*tch playing tricks

once again.


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