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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 118

Chapter 118

The Larson’s Residence.

A few hours passed. No one came by, and Olivia felt like John probably did not care about looking for her.

How would he have time for her with Dorothy still around?

She did not even know if she wanted him to look for her or not.

Just like that, she walked around the yard aimlessly, and many images flashed through her mind, both joyful and sorrowful ones.

‘It would be great if my father was still alive…’

Suddenly, someone called her name.

“Olivia Larson?”

She looked over and was stunned for quite a while before she asked, “Aaron Summers?”

“Liv, you still remember me? It’s been so many years since we last met. Are you still working in the design field?”

Olivia was taken aback. If he did not remind her, she would have forgotten about the fact that she majored in design.

She shook her head with a wry smile. “I haven’t touched design for quite some time.”

Aaron let out a sigh of pity. “What a waste. You used to be the top in our major, Liv. I happen to have a project going on, but the timeline is a little tight, and it’s just a minor project to design a pair of rings. Would you be interested? It might help you get back into the swing of things.”

Olivia was touched by the offer, but she was still a little cautious. “What brings you here?”

“Oh, it’s such a coincidence. I just came back from abroad, and I forgot that we’ve moved to a new place, so I came here instead. I figured that since I was here, I might as well take a look around, and here I am now with you.”

Aaron used to be Olivia’s neighbor as well as her course senior in college.

Both of them studied fashion design, and Olivia used to be the number one student in their course. Everyone expected her to further her studies in Ferances, but surprisingly, she stayed back in her home country.

Later on, she met John and gave up on her career for love.

Over these past two years, her entire mind had been devoted to getting her man back to her side. Her career was something outside of that main focus.


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