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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132

John was shocked, and his grip loosened a little. “Olivia, what are you talking about?”

“What am I talking about? John, you threatened Aaron and told him not to give me a chance. Then, you ordered someone to kidnap me and…”

Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought back to what happened in the dark room.

She sobbed.

John felt the fire of frustration burning in him. He felt Olivia was hiding something, and he could not understand it.

He had never asked anyone to kidnap her.

She was the one who escaped and went missing.

“I ordered a few bodyguards to follow you. You were the one who escaped.”

“Yes. That’s why you sent your bodyguards to keep an eye on me. So identify the location of the kidnapping!”




John roared.

He let go of her hair and pinched her jaw. He said, “You escaped from the bodyguards to meet Aaron. When did I send someone to kidnap you? Why do you have to shift the blame to someone else every time you cheat on me?

“Two years ago, you accused Dolly of framing you, even though she didn’t do anything! Now you accuse me of kidnapping you? Olivia, I didn’t do it!”

Olivia, who was sobbing, suddenly laughed. Her laughter sounded more miserable

than her crying.

“John, the kidnappers told me you asked them to kidnap me because you want to make Dorothy your wife, and…”

“And?” John questioned.

“You told them to…”

Olivia bit her lip and sobbed.

She could not say it. It was difficult for her to say it.

The man she had loved for seventeen years had ordered a group of thugs to force

themselves on her so he could make Dorothy his wife.


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