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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Before he could finish speaking, his phone rang. It was a phone call from John.

Wes nodded. “Madam, don’t worry. I’ll answer the call first.”

“Okay, go ahead and be careful.”

After Olivia brought Zyla into the room, Wes quickly answered the phone and heard the man fuming.

“Come to the study.”

Once in the study, Wes knew he would suffer when he saw John looking grim.

‘Did Madam and Sir have another fight without me?’

“Go find out what other guys Olivia had before she met me!”


“Including those who pursued her when she was at school. Don’t let any of them go!”


“Aaron Summers too!”

That man was the prime suspect. He was a childhood friend and happened to show up right now!

Wes then realized John was jealous again and quickly nodded. “Yes, are you returning to the office today?”

“I’m returning now.”

With Zyla taking care of her, Olivia’s life was much more comfortable. At least she had three meals a day and took her medicine on time.

When her foot was almost healed, Olivia suggested, “Zyla, go out with me today.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Don’t ask. Just come with me.”

Zyla smiled. “Okay, we can also get some groceries. The refrigerator is empty.”


The two cleaned up and headed out the door. Zyla drove while Olivia navigated.

She deliberately chose a pawnshop far from the city, thinking she would be able to keep it a secret from John.


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