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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152

“What? I don’t want an abortion! Let go of me!”

Olivia kept struggling, but she could not escape John’s grip. She could only bite his wrist.

He let go in pain. Then, he saw Olivia running away.

She did not want an abortion!

This child had gone through so many things with her. As long as it was still alive, she would not kill it.

However, she was not as fast as John. Soon, she was trapped tightly in the man’s


“You want to run?”

She struggled furiously. “Help! Help!”

How could John listen to her? He sent her to the operating table straight away.

Olivia’s vision turned black. She only had one thought in her head. ‘I can’t lose this child!’

She escaped the doctor’s grip and grabbed the surgical knife to put it against her neck. Her eyes were red, and she yelled with tears in her eyes, “Don’t get any closer, or I’ll kill myself!”

Everyone knew this was Mrs. Freeman. Even if Mr. Freeman did not like her, she could not die in front of them.

“Mrs. Freeman, put down the knife.”

“No! Let me go.”

“No! We won’t be able to explain things to Mr. Freeman if we do that.”

“Murderers! You’re all murderers!”

Olivia took the anesthetic next to her. The knife left a bloody line on her fair neck. ” Open the door. If not, I’ll kill myself in front of you all!”

When the doctors saw blood, they lifted their hands up to surrender. “Alright, alright. Mrs. Freeman, calm down. We’ll let you go, but Mr. Freeman is still out there.”

“Open the door!”

Olivia’s entire body was shaking, but her eyes were strangely firm.

The moment the door opened, she ran out.

John spotted her, and he opened his arms to stop her. Then, he saw her lifting her hand to inject the anesthetic into his arm.


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