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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 173

Chapter 173

“It’s not me! Someone framed me!”

These were the first words that came to her mind.

“Ms. Larson, we need to follow us back to the station for further investigation. After all, you’ve appeared at the crime scene. We hope you can cooperate with our investigation.”

Olivia turned around and looked at the policeman as she spoke with trembling lips,” Are you sure you just want me to help in the investigation?”

“Yes, just for investigation purposes.”

Zyla noticed that Olivia seemed in shock and supported Olivia’s swaying body. “Sis Liv, hold onto me. We’ll get Mr. Quinton’s help. Don’t worry. Nothing will happen to you.”


Olivia answered calmly, but fear, anger, and hatred were slowly engulfing her.

Last time, Olivia was suspected of employing someone to kill Dorothy in a car accident, and it got her imprisoned. She was sure that the police station had a record of that.

Besides, she would not believe it was a coincidence that the police came after her so


Perhaps Dorothy had put all the blame on her again this time.

When they arrived at the police station, Zac was waiting at the entrance.

Seeing Olivia arriving, he quickly approached her. “Don’t be afraid, Liv. I’m here.”

Olivia bit her lip nervously and followed the police into the interrogation room.

The policeman sat opposite her, and Zac sat beside her.

The lights flickered with the sound of the keyboard. Olivia’s heart was hammering as seconds passed.

Everything looked familiar, making her recall what she had experienced the last time, especially when those people in prison beat her up.


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