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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 191

Chapter 191

You jeik! You have no right to scold Sts Liv

Zyla finished yelling, grabbed Olivia, and ran away before John reacted

Olivia was still in a daze when they got to the car

Zyla had just slapped John in public!

She knew Zyla was bold, but she had no idea she was that bold. John was so concerned about his reputation that she was treading dangerous grounds

Worried, Olivia grabbed Zyla’s hand. “Zyla, you need to get out of Ocean City. Run as far as you can!”

“Huh? Why?”

Seeing Zyla looking indifferent, Olivia got more worried. The girl was not even alert.

“You just slapped Johnny in public. He won’t let you off the hook. I’ll give you money to leave.”

“Sis Liv, you don’t have to worry. It’s all right.)

“No, I can’t let anything happen to you!”

Zyla paused first before tears filled her eyes. Then she hugged her. “Sis Liv, I’m glad you care so much about me. I really do.”


“Sis Liv, it’s not the first time I’ve scolded him. Even if I slapped him this time, he deserves it!”

Zyla wiped her tears and said through gritted teeth, “You never wronged him, but he never treated you well. He owes you this. I’ll do it for you since you can’t bring yourself to do it.

“What’s more, I’m not that fragile, Sis Liv. I’m unbeatable, so I’m not leaving. I want to keep you company. I can’t leave you alone again.”

Olivia had mixed feelings when she heard this.

Having Zyla with her was nice. She was no longer lonely and sad.

However, she wanted Zyla to live more than she wanted herself to live.


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