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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 193

Chapter 193

Olivia froze slightly before taking the document pouch. “What’s this?”

“Uncle Wallace’s autopsy report.”

‘Autopsy report?’

Olivia widened her eyes and looked at him in disbelief. “Wasn’t the body stolen?”

“Before I sent it to the police station, I called the most authoritative forensic pathologist in the country to do an autopsy. He made this report. It’s proof of your innocence.”

The word “innocence” cut deep into her heart.

Uncle Wallace’s body exonerated her, but she was going to plead guilty for Uncle Wallace’s death.

She thought it was a little funny, so she threw back her head and laughed. “Justice has long arms. Zac, thank you.”

Maybe because Olivia laughed and started crying, it worried Zac.

He scrambled to hand her tissue and quickly said, “Liv, I’m sorry about Uncle Wallace.

I didn’t ask anyone to guard it, or it wouldn’t have been stolen, but trust me, we’ll find


“I don’t blame you. You’ve helped me a lot.”

Zac looked at her sorrily for a while before comforting her, “Liv, stop blaming yourself. Dorothy’s a monster. It’s not your fault.”

How could it not be her fault?

If it were not for her, Uncle Wallace would not be dead, let alone not be buried yet.

Olivia wiped her tears and bit her lip, saying, “Did I scare you?”

Just then, an assistant knocked at the door and walked in. “Mr. Quinton, we found Ben. He’s in Willow City, but we have no way to determine the exact location.”

“Okay, got it,” Zac replied and waved his assistant out.


Olivia’s eyes darkened. ‘Isn’t Ben the driver who hit Zac on purpose?’

The last time she and Zyla ran to Ben’s house, she was a little late, and Ben got away.

If they could find Ben, maybe they could use him to testify against Dorothy.

Once Dorothy was caught, a lot of things would be sorted out.


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