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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 205

Chapter 205

‘Deserved it?’

Olivia was so mad that she kicked Cole from the bed. “You deserve to die! You falsely accused me, framed me, and even killed Uncle Wallace!”

However, her sense of reasoning told her that Cole could not die yet.

If he died, who would testify against Dorothy?

“Liv, how are you going to deal with him? I’ll let you decide what happens with this man’s life.”

Olivia clenched her teeth and glared at Cole with red eyes.

She wanted to kill him right now to avenge Uncle Wallace, but…

She could not.

“Zac, lock him up and send him to the police station tomorrow.”


Zac felt sorry for Olivia. After asking Wilbur to take Cole away, he asked in concern,” Liv, are you sure this is what you want?”

He knew how she felt and how suffocating this must be.

She got out of bed, walked to the window, and looked out at the stars in the sky. She forced a smile and said, “Zac, no one wants to kill him right now more than I do. But if I kill him, I won’t have the evidence to arrest Dorothy.”

If it was not the middle of the night, she would have gone to the police station. immediately and not delayed this further.

Dorothy Ellis, the woman who destroyed her family, must die!

Dorothy was the reason she and John had ended up like this. Her hatred toward Dorothy would only keep on growing and growing without a sign of stopping.

Olivia woke up early the next day. The moment she opened the door, she crashed into Zyla.

“Sis Liv, why are you disobeying me again?”

“Zy, we’ll talk later. I have to go find Zac.”

Zyla did not know what was going on. However, she did not stop Olivia because of how much in a rush she looked. Instead, she followed behind her.

As the two walked to Zac’s ward, they heard the sound of breaking glass and Zac’s angry voice.

“How are you so useless? How could you let a man under your watch go?”


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