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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 208

Chapter 208

‘Continue doing this?’

What was she doing?

She only did not answer the call. Was it that bad?

“Mr. Freeman, I’m a patient and a pregnant lady, so please don’t disturb my resting time.”

There was silence at the other end of the phone.

When Olivia thought John was about to hang up, she heard his cold question.” Disturb your resting time? I think I’m just disturbing your rendezvous with another man.”

“John, what nonsense are you spewing?”

“Nonsense? Don’t think I don’t know what you did in the hospital. Olivia, you…”

Before he could finish, she hung up the phone in anger.

When did this man she had loved for seventeen years become like this?

She admitted to all their grievances so she would not have to argue with him anymore.


Why did he always come to make trouble?

He was so overbearing, imperious, and stupid!

However, as she cursed at him in her heart, her heart ached as well.

Back then, she felt that love was the most wonderful thing in the world. Now, she knew love was a slow poison.

However, before she could realize it, she was too far gone and beyond cure.

She hated him, but she still could not hide the fact that she loved him.

Olivia lost her appetite after that episode with John, so she decided to climb into bed to sleep.

Zyla came back to see her asleep. She did not want to wake her, so after preparing her a glass of water, Zyla left a note and went back to Golden Hills Apartment.

In the middle of the night, Olivia suddenly felt a gust of cold wind through her blanket.

She instinctively turned to look and saw a black shadow pouncing on her.

She wanted to scream, but the man had his hand on her neck.

“Why? Olivia, why the hell are you like this?”

“Cough cough… Johnny, let go…”


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