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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 216

Chapter 216

After taking the painkillers, Olivia had a thirty-minute rest in the hotel to recover.

She took out her phone and saw more than ten missed calls from Zyla.

She still had not managed to retrieve Uncle Wallace’s body, and her heart was aching, but she refused to let Zyla be worried too.

She cleared her throat and called her back.

“Sis Liv, where are you? Why aren’t you picking up your phone?”

“The smell is too strong at home, so I went out for a walk. I’ll be back soon.”

Luckily Zyla did not pick up on anything suspicious. “Yeah, that’s true. I guess we don’t have a choice since the pipe burst last night. I called the plumber to fix it late, but it was at night, so that’s why the smell is still there. If you’re uncomfortable with the smell, why don’t you stay at the hotel tonight?”

“It’s fine. I’m coming back soon.”

“Hmm, alright. Be quick, okay? I bought some chicken to make chicken soup for you with.”


Olivia let out a sigh of relief after hanging up. Just as she got up and walked out, her phone rang again.

It was John.

She did not hesitate to decline the call.

There was nothing the two of them had left to discuss now that the divorce agreement was in Dorothy’s hands. Their status as husband and wife would be gone in no time.

Thinking of this, she could not help but snort.

‘Seventeen years… What have I been doing for the past seventeen years?’

She failed to honor her parents, she failed to protect her younger brother and the Larson family, and she could not even keep the only man she loved by her side.

How pathetic.

With that thought, she returned to Golden Hills Apartment in a daze.

When she reached downstairs, she saw a familiar Maybach.

The man was simply leaning against the car, but he still commanded attention.

John was handsome and had an elegant temperament which made him the star of the show, no matter where he was. That was probably the reason why Olivia fell for



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