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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 219

Chapter 219


“What is it? You’re feeling the urge to kill me, right?”

Cole grinned eerily. “Kill me, then! Hurry up!”

After saying that, he whispered so only Olivia could hear him. “I’d rather die than tell the truth in front of John Freeman.”


Olivia was so angry that she was trembling all over and her teeth were chattering. If she was not so rational, she would have killed him right there and then.

“What did Dorothy Ellis give you in exchange for this lie that might cost you your life?” “Dorothy Ellis? Who’s that?”

“You despicable man! It was you and Dorothy who set me up two years ago, you…”

Before she managed to finish what she wanted to say, John went forward and grabbed her arm. He said coldly, “Enough!”

“Olivia, we’re talking about him murdering Uncle Wallace. Don’t bring Dorothy up out of nowhere.”

‘Out of nowhere?’

She swung his hand away. “John, ever since you got to know Dorothy Ellis, you’ve gotten so stupid! You should mind the company you keep!”

“Olivia Larson!”

She laughed coldly and got closer to his face. “Do you want to beat me? Do it! Beat me until I die! Have you ever thought about why Cole wanted to kill Uncle Wallace even though he barely knew him?”

John was taken aback. He put his hands behind his back. “To rob him.”

“A robbery?” Olivia laughed angrily. “So you think that I’m having an affair with Cole, and you think he happened to meet Uncle Wallace, who came to Ocean City to visit me, and proceeded to kill him and rob him?

“That’s the joke of the century!”

She had no idea how John came up with such a story.

Whatever it was, there was one thing she was sure of: John would choose to believe Dorothy no matter what, even if he suspected something being out of the ordinary.

After all, she refused to believe that the man who controlled Ocean City was really this stupid!


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