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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 230

Chapter 230

Back at the Golden Hills Apartment, Olivia took out the memory card from the camera and inserted it into her tablet. Then, she edited the video.

After that, she sent the video to Zac.

[Help me create an untraceable ID and post the video. Make Dorothy understand how it feels to be a trending topic.]

Soon, Zac replied, “No problem, Liv. I’m glad you’ve started to fight back.”

Olivia was shocked.

Zac was too kind to her, and he did everything she asked to. It made her feel sorry for him.

She even wondered if she was using Zac.

Suddenly, she heard Zyla’s voice from outside. “Get lost! You’re not welcome here!”

Olivia was shocked. She thought Dorothy was at the door.

However, when she was at the door, she saw John standing there coldly. Zyla was blocking him from entering.

‘What’s he doing here?’

“What are you doing here?”

Zyla turned around and said, “Sis Liv, don’t talk to a scumbag like him. He doesn’t deserve it.”


John was angry and looked like he was about to murder them any second now. Scared, Olivia quickly dragged Zyla away from John.

Olivia was afraid John would aim his anger at Zyla. “John, please don’t mind what this little girl says.”

Hearing this, John looked even more displeased. “Olivia, am I very old?”

Olivia was speechless.

‘What’s wrong with him?’

Olivia was too tired to argue with him about this trivial matter. “What on earth are you doing here?”

“Do you dislike seeing me so much that you’re in such a hurry to get rid of me?”

With that, John approached Olivia step by step as he stared at her coldly.


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