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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 233

Chapter 233

Olivia was so angry that she was trembling all over. This woman was lying about everything so calmly.

“You! How dare you say such a thing!”

Olivia coughed again because of her emotional fluctuation. She covered her mouth with her hand and swallowed the blood back down.

Then, she stared at Dorothy and scolded her. “Dorothy, you’re a demon! A hopeless, ungrateful woman!”

“Olivia, don’t go too far! You blamed Uncle Wallace’s death on me and edited such a video saying I threw Uncle Wallace’s ashes all around.”

Dorothy sniffled and bit her lips as she said, “I struggled to find Uncle Wallace’s body because I was afraid you would be sad, so I wanted to burn the ashes and give them. to you.

“But what did you do? You planted evidence to frame me!”

Olivia’s lips quivered as she looked at Dorothy in disbelief.

She could really make up stories.

She lifted her hand, wanting to hit Dorothy. However, someone caught her hand in mid-air.

“That’s enough!”

With a sullen face, John shoved Olivia’s hand away and said coldly, “Olivia, enough is enough. Don’t push it.”

His strength was so overwhelming that he pushed Olivia all the way to the wall.

She leaned against the wall, her pale face was as pale as it. She looked at John in anger and despair and felt the pain in her heart.

The truth was right before him, but he chose not to see it.

Dorothy was happy and thought John still believed her.

She rushed into John’s arms and said, “Johnny, thank goodness, you believe in me. Otherwise…”

However, John pushed her away before she could finish her words. He looked angry. “You should also shut up!”

He swore he would have killed Dorothy if she had not saved his life.


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