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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 236

Chapter 236

The other end of the line fell silent once he finished speaking, making Olivia nervous for some reason.

“Zac, last time in the hospital, you said you and I were sworn friends.”

Olivia pressed her lips together and said solemnly, “I care a lot about my friends. If it costs your life to do it, I don’t want it. Got it?”

After all, dealing with Dorothy was her business.

If there was going to be death, it was going to be hers, not Zac’s.

Zac and Zyla were the only ones who sincerely stayed by her side, so she could not afford to lose either.

Suddenly, a chuckle rang in Olivia’s ear like a mountain stream.

It was the first time she had ever said something like this. Zac’s chuckle annoyed her. “Why are you laughing? Are you having second thoughts?”

“Liv.” He called her with a chuckle.

“I’m glad you’re finally admitting we’re friends. I really am glad.”

Olivia’s ears reddened slightly. “Anyway, you and Zy are my friends. Promise me that nothing happens to you.”

“Don’t worry. I know what I’m doing. I’ll always have your back.”


They were silent for a moment. Olivia said, “How did the other thing I asked you to do go?”

“When are you going to send her away?”


Olivia thought about it. “Tomorrow night. Tomorrow I want to hold a funeral for Uncle Wallace. I’ll send her away when it’s over.”

She wanted to send Zyla away immediately, but knowing Zyla, she would notice something was wrong if she knew Olivia was holding a funeral for Uncle Wallace.

“Okay, I’ll arrange it after it’s over.”


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