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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 243

Chapter 243

‘What’s that smell?’

It smelled so bad that Olivia wanted to throw up.

She frowned and struggled to move, but her body did not respond as if it were not hers.

‘What’s going on here?

‘Have I been kidnapped? Who did it?”

Suddenly, someone hit her head so hard that the pain made her lose consciousness and faint.

‘Heavy breathing. So heavy…’

Suddenly, Olivia opened her eyes to find her surroundings dark, and there was not light.

The cold sweat on her forehead burst instantly. ‘Am I locked up in a dark room?’

However, Olivia soon knew something was wrong.

Because her hands and feet touched obstacles, indicating that the space was small and not an ordinary dark room.

Trying to detect the size of the space, she suppressed her trembling and reached for the ceiling, but…

Before she could straighten her hand, she touched a wooden board.

She was shocked. ‘Is this not a dark room but… a coffin?”

It was the only way to explain why the air was so thin and the space so small.

‘No. No!

‘I can’t die here!”

She began to beat the wooden board as hard as she could, shouting, “Anyone there? Let me out!”

She shouted for a long time. When her mouth felt dry, and she could hardly breathe, she suddenly heard a voice.

“Boss, she seems to be awake. Should we give her another shot?”

“No, isn’t it better that she’s awake? She can feel double the pain!”


Olivia spoke in horror, “Who are you? Why do you want to kill me?”

As soon as she finished speaking, Olivia felt someone lifting the coffin before throwing it into a pit.

When she was falling, she collided with the bottom of the coffin, which hurt her.


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