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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Olivia was stunned to see the familiar face in front of her.

After a moment, she asked in shock, “Zy? Why are you here?”

Zyla helped her lie down and helped her prop up the bed before complaining, “Hmph, Sis Liv. I’d like to ask you the same thing. Why lie to me when you promised you wouldn’t leave me?

“You drugged me with sleeping pills. Sis Liv, why do you have to send me away?”

Olivia tried to argue, but there was a lump in her throat. Her pale lips parted, but nothing came out.

Then she saw Zyla sitting by her bed, and her big eyes blinked. “Sis Liv, didn’t you ask me why I insisted on staying with you?”

Olivia looked up at Zyla with a complicated look in her eyes.

Zyla chuckled. “You might laugh at me if I tell you. But I want to tell you anyway.

“I have no parents and am an orphan who has never seen much of the sun for over 20 years of my life. I thought my life would end blandly. But I met you, Sis Liv.”

As she spoke, Zyla held Olivia’s hand as her eyes twinkled. “Sis Liv, you’re my light- the light that brings me out of the darkness.”

Olivia froze as her hands unconsciously held Zyla’s back.

When Olivia did not respond, Zyla gave a slightly sad smile. “Maybe you don’t know…”

Before Zyla could finish, Olivia interrupted, “I know, Zy. I know how it feels.”

It was just like how John was Olivia’s light 17 years ago.

She desperately wanted to hold on to him. Even though John had changed and hurt her countless times, she could not hate him because he was her light.


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