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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 250

Chapter 250

Olivia frowned as she thought of Dorothy.

‘I wonder what John will do to clear Dorothy’s name?’

Then she shook her head with a bitter smile. ‘Forget it. Why am I thinking about these? I don’t need to worry myself with all this.’ Then she went downstairs to get

some sun.

However, Olivia did not expect to meet Mrs. Jameson again when she went out to get some sun the next day.

What a small world.

Olivia did not want to argue with Mrs. Jameson, so she pretended not to see her and waited for her to walk away first.

However, before she walked to the side, she did not expect a man to run out with a dagger, shouting, “Stop!”

Olivia froze and stood where she was, not daring to move.

‘What’s going on here?

‘Is he going to rob people in a hospital?’

The nurse tried to call the police, but the man grabbed Mrs. Jameson standing nearby, and put the dagger to her neck.

“If anyone calls the police, I’ll kill this woman!”

The nurse recognized Mrs. Jameson and knew that nothing must happen to her. She quickly put down the phone and held up her hands. “Calm down, sir.”

“Calm down? All you do is make sarcastic remarks. Besides asking me for money, what have you ever done? You want my sister dead!”

“Sir, we’re a hospital. How can we let a patient die? Calm down, I…”

The nurse tried to call security, but the man pressed the blade on Mrs. Jameson’s throat. It was gentle, but it started bleeding instantly.

“Shut up!”

The nurse shook with fear. If something happened to Mrs. Jameson here, she would be dead meat. She dared not speak again.

“Get me your best brain specialist!”

“Okay, okay.”


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