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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 255

Chapter 255

Because she cried in the middle of the night, Olivia’s eyes were swollen again when she woke up the next day.

She used a hot towel to compress her eyes to relieve the swelling. Only then was she a little more presentable.

After packing up, she planned to go to see Zyla, but when she went out, she saw supplements and an insulated bag at the door.

She put the supplements inside the room before opening the bag. She saw two insulated lunch boxes inside, and there was a watery sound when it was shaken. It sounded like soup.

There was no note, so she did not know who left this there.

Olivia frowned slightly and thought about everyone it could be. In the end, she figured it must be Zac.

However, if he was here, why did he not tell her? How strange.

She did not think too much about it. She went to find Zyla with the bag in hand.

Zyla was fine. Since she was injected with sleeping pills, she slept for more than. twelve hours, so she looked much more energetic.

“Sis Liv!”

Seeing Olivia, she immediately got out of bed and walked over. “Sis Liv, why are you here? Are you hungry? I’ll go home and cook for you…”

After saying that, she ran outside in her hospital gown.

Olivia’s eyes became slightly wet when she saw that. Then, she grabbed Zyla. “Silly girl, what are you doing? You’re also a patient today, so you should rest well. I can just eat hospital food.”

“How could I let that happen? You’re pregnant, and it’s very hard work, so I have to…”

“Sit down. Do you want me to get angry?”

Olivia pretended to be angry, which made Zyla sit back down on the bed obediently.

As soon as the two opened the bag, Ken came over with two lunch boxes. “Mrs. Freeman, these are for you.”

“Dr. Ken, are you delivering the meals yourself?”

“Oh, no, I asked someone to make this. It’s more suitable for you, and it’s also good for the baby.”

Olivia was stunned for a moment. Her heart warmed up when she saw Ken touching his head. Then, she nodded and said, “Thank you, really…”

“Mrs. Freeman, Ms. Jones was so exhausted that she passed out. I figured I couldn’t let that continue. Anyway, I don’t have a shortage of cooks, so that’s good, right? The quality of the food is guaranteed, and it won’t be so troublesome.”



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