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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 257

Chapter 257

Before she could finish speaking, Rainie rushed over and slapped Olivia across the face.

Her head turned to one side after the slap, and her phone fell on the quilt.

The screen lit up, displaying the name ‘Zac’.

Coincidentally, his worried voice came from the phone just then. “Liv? What happened?”

Rainie was already furious, but after being provoked again, her expression became even more unpleasant. With red eyes, she hung up the phone call and grabbed Olivia.

“B*tch, what do you want? You said you didn’t seduce Zac, so what are you doing?

“Dolly was right. You were born a vixen, and you just have to steal other women’s men!”

Olivia’s mind was buzzing after being hit by Rainie, and she could not recover before being shaken back and forth so violently. It felt like her whole body was about to fall apart.

“Ms. Jameson, please let go.”

“Let go? You should be the one letting go! Mr. Freeman doesn’t love you anymore, so why do you insist on not getting a divorce? Why aren’t you content with what you already have? Why are you so despicable?”

The smell of blood in Olivia’s mouth made her want to vomit, but Rainie held her tightly and refused to let go.

In her desperation, she had no choice but to swallow the blood in her mouth. Then, she raised her hand to pry open Rainie’s hand before saying with a sneer, “Ms. Jameson, you look so ugly right now. No wonder Zac doesn’t like you.”

“B*tch, what did you just say?”

“You know very well what I said.”

Olivia wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and looked up at Rainie coldly.” You’re just the Jameson family’s pawn being sent out to curry favor with the Quinton family. Why are you so obsessed with this?”

“I love Zac! Olivia, I don’t want to marry him because of the marriage contract, I want to marry him because I love him!”

After she finished yelling, she grabbed Olivia’s collar again. “I won’t let you take him away! He’s mine!”


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