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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 263

Chapter 263


A new headline soon popped up as well.

“An evil mistress named Dorothy Ellis planned her own car accident, bribed the doctors, and framed the wife in order to take her place!”

Olivia’s breathing hitched. Her heart rate increased, and at that moment, she was overwhelmed.

She clicked the headlines, scrolled down, and saw that the article even included the testimony of the doctor. It seemed like Dorothy finally outdid herself with this one.

The comments were all filled with sentences describing how despicable and shameless Dorothy was, as well as some obscenities so bad that even Olivia could not stomach them. She was quick to switch off the screen.


Tears began to flow down from the corner of Olivia’s eyes. Her lips curled up slightly as she hugged Zyla.

“What happened, Sis Liv? Why are you crying?” Zyla reached over to Olivia with her hand to wipe her tears away.

“I’m so happy, Zy.” Olivia sniffled as her trembling lips formed another smile. “I’m so happy, Zy!”

When Rainie threatened her by saying that John was getting Dorothy out, Olivia felt like she was being plunged into cold water from her head to her toes.

However, as of right now, even if John wanted to, he would have to first ask the Quintons for permission!

She wiped away her tears. As she was about to call Zac with her trembling hands, she realized that it was all his doing.

Only Zac would help her like this.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, saying, “Ms. Larson, I’m Dr. Young.”

Olivia did not think much about it when she put her phone down to answer. “Please

come in.”

Zyla stood up and walked toward the end of the bed. She gave the doctor a once- over and asked, “Doctor, can Sis Liv be discharged?”

The doctor seemed to be taken aback that Zyla was also present. He shook his head. “Not yet. I’m here to give Ms. Larson her injection.”



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