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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 268

Chapter 268


John reached out to lift Jorge up, staring at him with scorching eyes. “Who ordered you to hurt my wife?”

Jorge’s face had already been punched into a bloody mess, and he did not look like a young master at all. He pleaded, “Mr. Freeman, don’t kill me.”

John sneered. He let go of him and stepped on his abdomen with a little force. Jorge immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

“Jorge, you should be happy that my wife is not the one who’s about to die. If not, you would be dead already.”

“Mr. Freeman, someone told me that… you and your wife are not on good terms, so even if I killed her, you would not be mad at the Winston family. If I had known. otherwise…” Jorge spat out another mouthful of blood. “I wouldn’t have dared to…”

It was true that he hated John and wanted to get revenge on him.

However, he also knew that if he actually killed someone that John cared about,

none of the members of the Winston family would survive John’s wrath.

That was why he chose Olivia, the wife who had been abandoned.

“Who told you that?”

“I… I can’t tell you.”

John looked at him coldly and said, “Aren’t you afraid to die?”

With just those few words, Jorge’s heart sank, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

He quickly grabbed John’s hand, exposing everything he knew. “I don’t know who they ate. They called me to tell me. All I know is that it was a woman.”

“She told me that your marriage to Olivia Larson was just in name now and that you’ve fallen for another woman, so you didn’t care about her life or death…”

Hearing that, a trace of murderous intent flashed across John’s eyes, and he sounded more indifferent as he said, “What else?”

Jorge was horrified. He was afraid that John would break his neck right now, so he could not care less about revealing everything else.

“She also said that you hated Olivia because she betrayed you two years ago and

you even sent her to jail. If she dies, you’ll be happy…”



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