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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 272

Chapter 272

When Ken saw Zac carrying Olivia, he froze for a moment. “Zac, did you drug Mrs. Freeman?”

“It’s just a sleeping pill.”


Zac glanced at Ken coldly. “Ken, what you choose to do is your business, but I’ll never forgive you if you’re here to help that b*stard John.”

Ken looked sad when he said, “John might have done some unacceptable things, but he actually cares about his wife. I think you know that.”

“You mean when he saved Olivia from getting hurt?”

Ken nodded.

Zac sneered. “I know about that, and I was there. I even thought John would change.

“But do you know what he did when Zyla was being rescued?”

‘What did he do?”

“He took Liv to get her blood to save Dorothy, who was in prison.”

Ken could not believe what he heard. “T-That can’t be…”

“Can’t be true? You can ask John yourself if he still has a conscience.” Zac glanced at Olivia, who was in his arms. “Even if he still loves Liv, he cannot deny what he did. to her, and Liv will never forget it either.”

With that, he turned around and left, carrying Olivia in his arms.

Ken froze as complicated feelings rose in him.

He had seen John’s wounded body and heard him call Olivia’s name in his sleep, but

He could not understand what was going on now.

Only a long time later did Ken realize John was both an angel and a demon to Olivia.

John’s love for Olivia was complex and all-consuming.

Then, he turned around and looked at Zyla. A trace of sadness flashed across his eyes as he muttered, “Zyla, do you remember me?”

Meanwhile, Dorothy, who was in another ward, woke up.


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