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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 275

Chapter 275

It was morning when Olivia woke up again. Looking around, she saw no one in the room. On the table beside her was an insulated lunch box with a piece of paper

under it.

“Remember to eat your meals.”

Apparently it was from Zac.

Recalling last night, Olivia knew why she had suddenly felt so sleepy, even though she only realized it now.

It must have been from the water Zac poured for her. However, she did not plan to blame him for that. After all, he did that because he wanted her to rest well.

She got up and put on her jacket, planning to visit Zyla.

However, she bumped into Dorothy, who was coming to look for trouble, as soon as she walked out.

“I heard from Johnny that you donated some blood to me again. I came to thank


Seeing the smug look on Dorothy’s face, Olivia felt annoyed. She glanced at her coldly and said calmly, “It’s nothing. After all, I wouldn’t want you to die so soon. I can only get revenge on you if you’re still alive.”

That was not the reaction Dorothy wanted. Displeased, she sneered. “I know you feel sad. After all, Johnny would give you up for me every time.

“He chose to free me even though he saw the evidence.”

That was true. However, Olivia would not show her weak side before Dorothy.

Olivia glanced at Dorothy and chuckled. “Yes, Johnny did choose to save you, but I’ll always be Mrs. Freeman, even if I die, while you’ll always be his mistress.”


Angered, Dorothy wanted to hit Olivia, but she grabbed her hand and pushed her.

Olivia was unsure if she was braver now because she had chopped off Jorge’s finger the day before. She was now cold and fearless.

“Dorothy, I’m not interested in arguing with



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