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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 294

Chapter 294

Zac gave a self-deprecating smile. “Does it matter?”

He knew Liv did not love him, so it did not matter whether she liked him.

He was satisfied as long as she was healthy and happy.

Unexpectedly, Zyla walked up to him and said, “Yes.”

Zac froze and looked up in a panic. Then Zyla said, “Zac, if you love Sis Liv, at least you’re a better choice than Jerk John.

“You can protect her from getting hurt and care for her health. At least Sis Liv can survive by your side.”

With that said, she asked again solemnly. “So, do you like Sis Liv?”

Zac was silent for a long moment before nodding. “Yes, I like her.”

It was the first time he said this and liked a person.

“Then take her away.”

Zac was stunned to hear that.

‘Take Olivia away?’

However, he knew she would return if he took her away.

Zyla turned to look at the emergency room, bit her lip, and said, “I’ll avenge her and save her brother. I want her to live.”

She could not let anything happen to Sis Liv again. Absolutely not!

Suddenly, Zac chuckled. “You’re just like her.”

“What do you mean?”

Zac got up, leaned against the wall, and sighed. “That’s what Liv said when she begged me to take you away.”

Zyla stiffened and looked at him with mixed feelings. “Really?”

“Of course, you even said the same things.” Zac turned around to look at the red light. “Zyla, she’s not leaving. Just like you.

“Besides, I’m unlike John.”


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