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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife novel Chapter 299

Chapter 299


Olivia’s heart quaked as she bellowed, “John, do you not care because you think the baby isn’t yours?”

It was their baby. How could he say “More” so easily?

John opened his mouth. Before he could speak, Olivia pushed him hard into the door.

“John.” She looked at him tearfully, saying, “We can never have more children.”

These words cut into John’s heart like a knife.


“Why?” Olivia stared at him for a dozen seconds. Then she suddenly said with a

sneer, “John, do you really not know, or are you faking it?”

Yes, of course, he knew, but he did not want that to be the result.

“Olivia.” He called her hoarsely. He looked up at her with a slightly forlorn look.

Olivia was in so much pain she could not breathe.

‘Who is he to be disappointed?

‘Who caused all this?

‘Why does he never think he’s wrong?


‘No.’ She found it ironic and suddenly threw her head back and laughed out loud.

Laughing, her tears poured out again and slid down his face to his mouth. It was salty yet astringent like her life.

She suddenly did not recognize the man before her, who she had loved for 17 years and shared a bed with. He became so unfamiliar.

“John, who are you doing this for?”

She recalled the scene she saw when she fell. She picked up the vase nearby and smashed it at John. She yelled through gritted teeth, “F*ck off! Get the f*ck out of


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